
Nothing profound to say but that I looove the name Channing. Every Channing I have ever known (all 2 of them) has been incredibly hot.

Did you enjoy it? I saw it this weekend and I'm still very confused.

This cranky 31 year old hopes you called the police. I'm so irritated by people who don't understand that not everyone in the area is interested in sharing in their shitty music. I don't care what day of the week it is, I shouldn't have to be disturbed by stupid shenanigans. People work weekends, work nights, work

I know you've gotten a ton of awesome responses to your question but I just wanted to add something about dating someone whose parents harbor some sort of prejudice against you. That is a serious red flag and it very rarely ends well.


One roommate, who I got into an argument with about dishes one night, promptly calls the cops, tells them I tried to hit her and that she was afraid for her life and has me escorted out of the building at 10 pm.

Umm...good for you?

Just saw it too. I enjoyed it for the most part, but was a little uncomfortable with the way the Iranians were portrayed. I wish it hadn't been so much of a good guy/bad guy thing and they'd gone a little deeper into the root of the problem.


No, it's not a space issue. They really are morally opposed to hosting significant others who aren't a spouse. Which is fine, it's their house. If I do go, he's staying with me at the hotel. I don't want to blow this out of proportion because they've been very sweet to me otherwise.

Enjoy some solo love and a cocktail before you go out. It will calm you down. Have fun! boyfriend's asked me to go home with him next weekend to celebrate his parents' anniversary. It's my first time going to his hometown and I'm excited. BUT...apparently I have to get a hotel because we're not married or engaged. I'm OK with not sleeping in his room and bunking in a guestroom but not being able

Sounds delish. But since you probably can't taste anything right now, perhaps you can send the chicken my way instead? Feel better.

Totally. Except for the Omegas.

Thanks. The memories I have with him are priceless and I'm so happy that I saw him recently and we got to chat and laugh.

Thanks! Sipping on some wine as I type this. I'm so sorry for your loss. Cheers to feeling better soon.

I'm so so sorry for your loss. I've been forcing myself to go out every evening after work since it happened on Tuesday and perhaps this will work for you. I even booked a weekend trip to the beach, just so I can leave my apt and not wallow.

Thank you for the support. It's really tough but I've been there before and I know it gets better.

Thank you. It helps to think that every day is one day closer to me feeling more like myself, although I know that I will never stop missing him.

I have black hair and blond highlights. What does this mean, science? Explain it to me.