another con: sh*t in mobile
another con: sh*t in mobile
Found Ernie’s alt account.
Yeah, those are gonna be much better than all the seasons of Bob’s Burgers and American Dad. I can’t wait to not watch.
I’d like to know what it takes for the claimed account stuff to work so I wouldn’t be stuck in the damn grays. I thought this was supposed to be a smooth transition. do I downvote???
You’re welcome! I don’t want to be a dick to anyone who sees this and needs a link, so here it is for others:
They spent weeks redesigning the question mark. I’m not kidding. Look at that thing. ? ? ? Beauty.
Think I done fucked it up, guys. Think I now have two fucking Kinja accounts. Neither carried over my previous comments, it seems.
This site is completely useless now. Congratulations on flushing years of great content down the fucking toilet.
I just went to like your comment, but only found a star. I don’t know what to do with that.
Commenting and browsing is a laggy nightmare on mobile, let alone hoping to find a damn thing. This is 10x worse than anticipated as a primarily mobile user.
I’m hoping for a trailer soon. This is the first season we don’t really know the direction.
Hey guys! Congratulations on the new Kinja-fied site! It looks, uh, awful, but that probably couldn’t be helped. Anyway, if you could post the article about how to import old accounts, as promised, that would be great. Thanks.
Let’s try out this here new commenting system. Hmm, seems fine so f—OH GOD IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!