Green and Silver :)

You win the internet today :D

Lifelong naturalista here. My mom (who relaxed her hair for years) knew what was up and did not allow me to relax my hair as a kid. I’m so grateful. I didn’t start wearing my hair out (as kid usually wore braids and twists, hot comb for special occasions) regularly until college where some of my fellow black

True - but technically the algorithm on Pottermore was made by JK so...I pretend that’s the house that she would personally put me in. Granted, I’m super committed to the Slytherin lifestyle now so it’d be really hard for me to be in any other house at this point. I’m not evil or anything...just driven, persistent and

I love them both and I love that Jessica is winning at life rn but...I AM SO JEALOUS. Also, how are you going to call yourself a HP fan and not know what house you are in? I would probably lose my entire shit if I met JK so it’s probably for the best. BUT DAMN.

Ah melanin! Black truly does not crack.

Haters gonna hate. You are gorgeous! Keep doing you! <3

For any and all natural hair care and DIY products I would definitely check out Naptural85's YouTube channel. I cannot explain how much I love her. She does great videos on everything from washing (co-washing really), easy styles (wash and go), making flaxseed gel (seriously only 5-10 minutes!) to decreasing shedding

You are strong, amazing, beautiful and worthy of love. Thank you for sharing this heart wrenching story.

No see...these children are already born so...they have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Dear Trump Administration:

Can’t wait to see it again. Love your take on this! It’s terrifying because it completely encapsulates the feeling of being black in predominantly white “liberal” spaces. The casual racism, the microaggressions, the “would’ve voted for Obama for a third time,” and so on and so forth.

It’s not too bad. There is gore but it’s avoidable. I found myself covering my eyes for the jump scares which were not actually scary. The gore was not that bad because the worst images happen off screen.

Saw it this weekend with a friend. Cannot wait to see it again with my bf. I am easily scared and there are a few jump scares, but the scariest scenes are not what one would expect.

I mean, this is straight up hyperbolic. It’s not the bed bugs, it’s being 96, having a number of other medical conditions and a terrible caretaker.

Marched with some fellow Jez ladies in DC!! Was glorious. Some of my favs:

Fuck this dude. Not literally though.

You’re absolutely right. Also, I think that intense convo with Christopher was a huge hint.

True...but I think her convo with Christopher is heavily implying that it is Logan....

Berta and Gypsy. :/

The weirdest thing about it is KNOW Logan would drop main chick in a heartbeat for her. Like why even be a side chick when you don’t have to be? Clearly he will do ANYTHING for you. Lock that ish down already!! I just don’t get it. And he’s not the sweetest or whatever but I mean he has abs, and flies