Green and Silver :)

Just finished watching. I have 2 issues

Worth it. Do it.

I’m so sorry. That is horrific.

Just signed up!! Thank you for setting this up!!

Hi Jezzies,

Both season of Galavant are on Netflix!

Of course Drumpf would have a woman clean up his mess....

Sorry. That sucks. I left Facebook awhile ago but I recently (today) ended a friendship with white male friend who wrote in a candidate in a swing state just cause “ all the candidates suck!”

Have to finish school first unfortunately. Then I’ll head back to a blue area. It’s not even a red state. Just a red area in a swing state. Sigh. Will come visit you in Chicago though!!!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have never been so afraid for my rights/future/life as I have this election. It brings me hope to know that there you and others who are fighting for justice and will continue to do so. <3

Stay safe. This black woman is pretending to be fine in a Trump filled area where confederate flags fly freely. I was jokingly (not?) told that “it would probably no longer be allowed,” when I spoke in Spanish today......

Hi Jezzies,

Of course he’ll be taken alive for questioning and a psychiatric evaluation. He has this handy thing called white skin that will allow him to be treated as innocent until proven guilty.

This all I see...


Indeed! Since I don’t watch it live, or within 12 hours after it airs now I basically don’t have to! Thanks Jezebel!!