
The episode cemented my opinion that I wouldn’t care one bit if Charles disappeared from the show entirely. They’ve completely ruined the character and turned him from a fun oddball into a weird, needy creep. What made Charles funny previously was that you could always see the logic that led to his weird opinions,


bloomberg is a republican. he was a republican until 2007. and an independent until 2018.

The ending of the Cell Saga was well done, and if you consider even the original felt like a natural ending.

“You know what the world needs, a black version of New Kids On The Block”

I said the almost exact same line about 3 seconds before it happened, but the 3 finger thing left me dead.

The fact that he only used three fingers killed me.

Also, they conveniently forget how many Republicans were talking about impeaching Hillary months before the election.

Why, when rents are increasing at rates far higher than property taxes, are we blaming a yet-to-happen minimum wage increase for the closure of restaurants?

my permanent motto for this is simple:

Everybody deserves a living wage. But

Hot take: as a business owner, if you arent complaining about the skyrocketing rent, but are closing because you will have to pay your employees a fair wage finally, you arent a great business owner to begin with. If 40K more a year is causing you to close, how successful was your business to begin with. Thats a

I thought the same thing, but I have some head canon to resolve it.

Also, how cute was it when Baby Yoda thought he had brought down Zero with his lil’ Force powers for just a split second?

So a person broadcast their xenophobic view when asked for unpopular opinions and people are this up in arms? Why am I pretending to be clueless as to why there was backlash?

Because his opinion was racist. This isn't difficult.

good kid 100% deserves that spot over DAMN though, that album has held up amazingly well

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

I remember Colin on All My Children, as the “unabortion.” Gorgeous guy and not a bad actor but romantic lead? No. He probably would have been better off in a Fifty Shades project (I know that is supposedly about romance but...).