
It’s a primary, they are competing against each other.

Because that firebrand socialist Hilary alienated so many people because she was a Neo Eugene Debs.

Being racist is more than just an attitude, if racism is structural then your actions can be racist even if you are a “good person”. Being racist isn’t a moral judgment and Obama should stop treating it as if it were.

I didn’t enjoy this episode.  It feels weird to be worried about power scaling on a life action show but these allegedly trained kids can’t manage a house full of mental ill hill people?  Also, to go from “We’re family” to “fuck each and every one of you” was a drastic turn around.  Lin is startling incompetent and

The perceived confidence by which you say (type) this makes me want to a. believe you and b. wonder/fear why and how you’d know that.

Never tortured anyone but maybe they didn’t want to see his dick just flapping around. 

Are we supposed to think Master Lin is incompetent?  Because he seems incompetent.

One of the perks of subpoena power is being able to threaten to use it. If it can be used as a deterrent to fuck shit then you avoid the need to throw down a subpoena as you’ve already gotten what you want AND avoided an initial bias dissemination of information.

That’s why Hilary had more votes than Trump?

Sigh... y’all really can’t hold the right parties accountable for their actions. Jussie’s actions don’t place you at risk, racism and homophobia do. The same racism and homophobia that existed before him and will exist after him. What groups were so ready to believe him but now are incapable of believing others

Are you even reading my posts? I didn’t blame the system for his actions. I said there are systems in place that confirm privileges onto certain groups, leaving those groups with reasons to deny the harm said systems confer onto others. They look for any means to justify the system and ignore the harm, Jussie is just

He hasn’t made it easier, you claiming he’s made it easier is making them less accountable for their actions.  They are wrong, regardless of what Jussie has done.  Full stop.  You want to believe you can control them, if you just behavior perfectly and give them no excuse, no outlet.  That’s wrong.  That the impulse

The same amount as before because they already believed they were lying.  It’s called confirmation bias.  So, why are you letting those unwilling to believe victims off the hook?  Why aren’t they the problem?  Seriously, hold people responsible for their thoughts and actions. 

Because they wanted not to believe.  They wanted an excuse not to believe.  There is no innate inability to understand statistics or large numbers but people who want to believe the anecdotes will believe them.  Just because the tenor of the conversation is against them doesn’t mean they don’t continue to doubt, they

This man has been charged with a felony, in what way is he being absolved? Is the criminal justice system not meant to hold people accountable for crimes? If it can’t even do that then we need to rid ourselves of it.

Anyone who takes a look at this one example and becomes skeptical of all... was going to reach that conclusion anyway. It’s motivated reasoning. The consequences of his actions happen in the context of structural bigotry and prejudice. The racists, the homophobes? They already exist. They already doubted so putting

Jussie hasn’t done any lasting damage.  Make him responsible for what he’s actually done, don’t allow white supremacists to shift blame on to him.  Racists and homophobes would deny the humanity of all they are against.  They may used this but they are simply using it.  Jussie is responsible for his crime(s) and only

I hate Atlanta. It is poorly planned, unpleasant to navigate.  I simply detest it.  If it’s anything like Wakanda it would be because it’s inhospitable to outsiders.  God, I hate that city.

It was great. I totally agree. 

the fascists right wingers make things worse.  our polarization is asymmetrical and moderation in the face of that only aids its continuation.  you’re a part of the problem.