
I am a fan of a lot of the things they’ve done recently (except buying Ninja Theory), I’m just salty as fuck that the exclusives I got an Xbox for, went largely ignored this generation. Gears is the only exception. That franchise has been my saving grace on my One. It also doesn't help that somebody at Xbox let

There are a lot of common Japanese names. Surely they could’ve picked one that didn’t happen to also tie in to one of their sub franchises. Also, if he ends up hailing from Galar, Go will be not a common name. 

With a stick. 

Admittedly, I don’t know who all is to blame for the current first-party woes of the Xbox, but Phil Spencer can’t leave that position fast enough, in my opinion. Reggie is the only one I’ll miss. Shawn was a decent dude though, I’ll give him that much.

So, in an attempt to cash in even more on their mobile game, they're actually naming one of the main characters "Go". Sweet baby Jesus, I love Pokémon and all but what in the hell is this?

I don’t know. I’d say Epic cares more about developers than you say. Epic made games for years before attempting to launch the EGS. Valve seems like it only made games to help launch a service. I know they made games years before Steam but they straight up abandoned that side soon after Steam launched. Epic does at

I understand that completely. It’s why at the beginning of a console gen, I have to pick one to buy the multi-plats on. Otherwise, they won't get played on the "lesser" system. Not really lesser, just one I devote less time to. 

Yeah, the money Epic gives devs is a really nice safety net just in case or like you said, a nice boost towards the next game. That is the kinda stuff I support. Although Epic can be really shady sometimes. 

I can understand the whole bullshit about it being it being Kickstarted and then Epic taking it for a while. That’s kinda shitty, but it still is on PC at least. I support what the EGS is trying to do in regards to giving the devs more money off of sales than Steam does though. Smaller devs don’t make anough money to

As someone thats not primarily a PC gamer, what's the point of depriving yourself of an experience in the short term just because it's on EGS? Not trying to sound rude by any means, I'm just really curious. See a lot of hate on EGS and I really don't know why. 

I would have loved to see what you came up with for the SNES Harvest Moon. You only had 4 spaces for letters and it was the only bad part about that game. Hoping it comes to Switch Online soon. 

I go left in open world RPGs, because I feel like the right path is the one that’ll continue the story and I wanna explore everything first. 

Back when Rock Band and Guitar Hero were still a thing, if I was alone, I’m almost embarrassed to say, but I’d play in the birthday suit. Just seemed to allow to me to focus better. Nothing like rocking out with your bits out, I guess. 

You sir, deserve everything good in this world. This is fucking well done on so many levels. 

I’m right there with you on Destiny man. Game’s fucking terrible except for Crucible, because honestly, it’s pretty much Halo at that point. Also, not defending Bungie or anything, but if you were to ask 1000 random gamers of all interests to name a game from each studio, most people would either name Halo or Destiny

I said “besides Borderlands”. I meant the franchise. Sorry for being unclear. In regards to Homeworld, being decent isn't what great game studios get known for. Also, Gearbox's publishing side doesn't count. 

It's objective and all, but I thought it was meh. Granted, I hate that genre anyways. 

Only the physical edition that 95% of players never bought. 

Name one thing they’ve done in the past 15 years besides Borderlands that was any good. They're indeed a mediocre studio that captured lightning in a bottle and have been using that lightning ever since to generate positive thinking towards them. Everything else they've ever touched has been mediocre at best,

That's Fahey you're getting a 'tude with. How dare you. He is a gift to the gaming community and to this site. Go back to your village, you peasant. Also, you're wrong. Fahey is right.