2K and Gearbox are shitty companies, what else is new? One's led by a predator and the other is fine with having a working relationship with said predator.
2K and Gearbox are shitty companies, what else is new? One's led by a predator and the other is fine with having a working relationship with said predator.
I'm nearing 30 so I feel this shit.
Ah. You're right. Holy shit. Feels like it came out in like 16 or 17. Damn. What the fuck kinda drugs am I on?
I waited for this game to come to consoles for years since I don't own a PC. Finally buckled down two months ago and beat it on my girlfriend's laptop, only to watch this be announced. What took so long lol
Ooddly enough, it’s the Gamestops in the bigger areas that have always had the shitty experiences. My Gamestop right down the road is in a terrible crime and drug-ridden town and yet, the best employees I’ve ever encountered anywhere. Never once, outside of one older dude that works there, have I ever heard them try…
We, as the people that enjoy NMS, don't need some self-righteous douchecanoe like yourself, telling us that we shouldn't be enjoying it because the lead dev lied. I'd never fucking enjoy any goddamn game at that point. Delays are lies, so should I never fucking touch Animal Crossing or FF7 Remake? Get the fuck out of…
I replied to you since you’re being a cuntnugget on a thread about a game that you’ve admittedly never played. Just move the fuck on already, you fucking shitcock.
Goddamn dude. Quit arguing. We get it. You don’t like the guy. Now bugger off and bother some other thread with your whiny bullshit.
Hes counting Ho-oh. I know it. I hope so since Ho-Oh is badass.
Soul Blazer is gaming perfection. I play though it every couple of years. So damn good.
Boot scootin' boogie was definitely by Brooks and Dunn.
Starred for the BotW hate. Finally. That game was ass. Wind Waker and TP were way better.
There were very much hints to it in the books. She came out and definitively stated it later so that people that missed the hints, (like you obviously did) would know.
Holy shit, this guy hit another one of your nerves as well. #triggeredlikeabitch
Damn. I hit a big ol’ nerve. #triggered
I can do it. You misinterpreted. I said, “I can’t always do it.” Sometimes she gets too sensitive to continue, sometimes I imagine she can’t focus, and sometimes I don’t doubt that I’m messing up. Sex isn’t this whole big smooth operating machine like the porn I imagine you consume daily. It’s awkward, funny, tough,…
Ignore these peeps. Every chick is different. I’ve had some that could finish during and some that couldn’t.Some women need to do it themselves or need different things. Ive been in the same boat my dude. It’s fine as fuck if we, as men, can’t always do it. I can’t always blow during oral. It’s not her fault or mine.…
Sheesh. You’re most certainly triggered. Over a glorified emulator. Let that sink in. Over an $80 emulator.
Everyone’s getting pissed at streamers for boycotting....why? There’s a large population of people out there that, for whatever reason, can’t play games. Streams are a primary way for them to experience the story within their physical limitations. Streamers are in the right on this one.
But...what about Waffle Crisp? Hands down the best cereal imo. Shits delicious.