
I refer to it as dipping the pen in company ink.

Does the counter reset if company ownership changes? Asking for a friend.

Did you hook up with these two co-workers concurrently?
Because I say that still counts as 1.

who the shit keeps the “read 3:26" option on...youre just asking for trouble

I only bang ex-coworkers, I’m friendly and flirty with them when they work there and then stay in touch with them after they transfer or quit.

There is a good chance you are the crazy one. Not emotionally crazy like her, but crazy enough to bang two chicks who share cube.

It’s such a fine line between clever and a sexual harassment lawsuit.

What if you’re an astronaut and your #1 has space madness?

I think it depends on your place of employment. When I was in school and working part time in retail, I boned as many coworkers as I could. It never really got ugly, and if it did, one of the girls just ended up quitting because it’s retail.

Algae isn’t bacteria...

And here’s Leonidas’ dick and balls meeting Draymond Green.

That’s King Leonidas of Sparta, not Leonidas of Rhodes, who lived three centuries later.

I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.

more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.

Does anybody not like him besides people who think weed is the devil?

Should have chosen Subway

Do we not like him? I like him.

More like Chad ‘Not Even’ Le Clos.

He doesn’t owe us shit, and maybe, just maybe, he’s not trying to be the most popular person in the world.