
I remember seeing a stat mot long after Tamir Rice’s murder that 83% of police brutality complaints were filed against 6% of the cops.

I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me recently, and was struck by his purposeful use of the word body, over and over. To have your body taken away, to have black bodies stolen. That was a strong reminder that this is a violent physical thing that happens to real people, and not some abstract thing from

What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:

And in answer to your headline, yes, I’m afraid you will. It breaks my heart that a part of me is grateful that my son inherited his father’s light skin tone instead of my own.

Actually I’m a Freddy Adu fan.

Things Ronaldo is better at than Messi:

Aside from sports championships, Three Mile Island here - grew up in Western PA

I love the fact that you were already 6 years old when MLK was killed and yet still have the word “fart” in your username.

Gulf War and 1992 election for sure. I remember Saddam Hussein stuff a lot. Also the Texas governor’s race where Ann Richards lost. 31. I don’t disclaim being a millennial or whatever, but I don’t think Barry’s cutoff makes sense since the 2 events he uses are 15 years apart and a lot of stuff happened between them.

Croatia/Serbia war. Saw a Newsweek in the dentist’s office and asked my mom about it. Her immediate tears is also my first memory of learning about our Croatian heritage.

Due to work things, I've spent an inordinate amount of time with 19-23 year-olds and I've never heard anyone refer to lots of food as hella noms without faking a SoCal accent and being ironic.

I really don’t think that’s what a bae is.

You know wrong.

The email is cringeworthy youthspeak, but no worse than what Gawker writers routinely use.

So lets just give up and crawl back into our proverbial caves instead of reaching into the unknown and possibly grasping a much deeper understanding of the universe.

Bonds had three 40+ homer seasons before steroids were even a thought and had 37 in the strike-shortened 1994 season, his all around game may have masked it a bit but Bonds was always a top power hitter

Did Bonds ever have any issues with anyone outside of Jeff Kent and Andy Van Slyke? It seems more likely in retrospect that the issues that got hung on Bonds were more likely on the other guys- I saw Kent on survivor and he came across as a prick there and I vaguely remember something prick-ish coming out of Van Slyke

I say the same thing about Madison Bumgarner.

Barry Bonds could still win the home run derby if he wanted to.