
Why do anything ever?

White hot take here: Roenick and Milbury bring absolutely nothing to the table for intermission coverage. They could show a test pattern during the 20 minutes and I would feel less rage.

4 of their starters had double-doubles — insane!

And watching Adams play is an absolute blast. Love watching him hustle and outwork even with the injured hand instead of pouting around on “no-calls” and things like that.

Ahhh, right after the Blackhawks first won in 2010. Dan Patrick (who was doing hockey coverage for some reason?) mentioned to Roenick that he looked very emotional. “It’s the Chicago Blackhawks, man. I never got to do that.” Then he started crying on national air while Mike Milbury basically called him a pussy for

If this creates a racial uproar, I quit as an American.

Not to mention Milbury has been screaming that they need to pair Malkin and Crosby and double shift them since the middle of the Caps series.

its a lot better this year lol which isnt saying much. Its almost passable.

Let me get my pitchfork and blog ready this not ok.

Dude’s not white, either.

“Not on my watch”

"It’s strange to conceive of a team with two of the most gifted athletes in the NBA as working at their best when they’re playing in an ugly, disjointed basketball game."

“Get a white girl, son. Trust me on this.”

Funny how each “controversial” finish had the Thunder already up with the lead, with seconds to play and the agrieved team with at least one more possesion. But please, do go on.

Can I just say, as a purveyor of portmanteau celebrity names, I want to make love to your Kinja handle.

And just broke the record for wins in a season that was set 20 years ago. It’s the NBA, conspiracy nuts. I’m sure there was uncalled traveling on both teams all fucking game long.

Um,no, the post basically said absolutely nothing. Didn’t mention turnovers (OKC had only two in second half, which was HUGE) or forced shots and bad possessions both which directly led to the OKC win and got 0 mentions in this post.

As a Cavs fan I don’t know what’s worse, facing the Warriors in the Finals who give us match up fits or the infinitesimal chance of Dion Waiters winning a championship over the Cavs.

Yes, because what corporate fat cat doesn’t want all the ratings gold of media market 43 in the NBA Finals instead of market No. 6, represented by a team that has meant big ratings all year and the reigning two-time MVP?

“So did I.... wait. You said ‘owned’, didn’t you. I heard that wrong. Sorry.”
-Jared Fogle

Shameless dive by the kid early in the video, Hazard never even came close to touching him.