
Well I agree with you on your first point and think you are very misinformed of her Wall Street policies if you think she’s only for “as little as possible” She has repeatedly stated she’d veto any legislation that would weaken financial reform, and has proposed (with details and actual plans!) new rules, stronger

“I kept telling my ex-boyfriend that shithead Bernie supporters.....” FTFY

Could you list some progressive issues? Before it got to be a close race HRC and Bernie were said to agree on ~90% of issues. Foreign policy intervention, degree of wall street regulation, and gun control being the largest differences. HRC to me (I’m 31) seemed to be the pragmatic incrementalist - no big changes but

with socks

They were sent shirts after the Orlando massacre

How is gaining a sense of empathy, regardless of what leads to that sense EVER a bad thing? In my opinion empathy is steps 1-10 of changing any world views and is a large part of respect.

“First time envisioning this” - alright

lightning works well. Rolled through a vaporeon gym with my jolteon and a gloom (grass works too)

Evolve everything you can with lucky egg to gain the experience. Only evolve the ones with the higher CP because when they evolve that bar changes. Once they are at the highest evolve level, then the keep transfer choice becomes harder. Highest HP, CP, best attacks, most room to grow, etc.

4v4 (+ goalie) soccer, played on a basketball court, with a heavier ball, unlimited subs, mostly focus on touch and ball skills and a little less top-end speed - also, a personal achilles destroyer

Don’t know but if you touch it “you could get charged with assault”

Took a long time with this one didn’t ya?

Honestly, more people know their QB or starting PG than know their senators or governors. I think any statements by athletes forces people to have the conversation. It’s a good start

That... that is amazing

East Lansing District Court Judge Andrea Andrews Larkin - I hate that you made me look this up.... well done

This tenor looked into the crystal ice ball sitting behind his Molson XXX and saw in the clouds the oncoming hoards of NPR listeners walking slowly toward the southern wall. At first he thought they were just trying to catch the rare hockey playing pokemon, but his laughter turned to dread when he saw their REI bags

Kind of like people with broken tail lights being blamed for things that people who resemble them in some way did?

Dude, this is a well thought out, coherent comment that hits on a number of points. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!

I was at a Harrisburg Senators game that was suspended because all the Mayflies were dying on the field and the crowd. This is common enough (the mayflies not the suspension of the game) that they made it their logo for the day -…