
I hope if the French win, they lead their fans in the Helm’s Deep Chant with the Iceland fans out of respect and to appease the angry gods

It was a Negro League throwback night my man.

I was going with Baggio circa ‘94 World Cup.

Quarter of an inch the other way you would’ve missed completely Bombay

“flu” game. love that we still call it that when everyone knows he was hung over

Nah, Dominican Winter Ball

Nope. Pure snobbery, bunch-a-wankers I say

Escaping the homeland is also a great way to learn spades. But I’m in the same boat

Grew up playing spades (I’m white) and had no idea it was supposedly a black thing until I got to college. To the mouth breathers below saying that it’s “more complicated Euchre” - it’s not. Euchre is for passive aggressive Iowans who eat only things that are brown or yellow. Spades is for adults who will scrap if you

Well you could try to get Bernie to take the job. He recently had some time free up

Hey there! I am a dumb honkie and I want this commenter to go fuck himself too!

Because it allows an extensive amount of “acceptable collateral damage” I don’t think anyone would be against drone sniper rifles but drone strikes rampage civilian populations.

Well Philly is shitty without ever winning anything. At least Pittsburgh can be shitty with championships

Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to diminish it and thanks for responding with an honest answer. I actually think making sure to call things within relationship rape (even if they make the distinction of gray rape) is a step forward because I think before it may have been passed off as not rape. You can see

I’m not an expert, but isn’t that the whole basis of the term “gray rape” where - in the bounds of a relationship - a partner doesn’t want sex right then and there, says no, and gets raped but the relationship continues? I guess like domestic sexual assault? I’m dead serious with the questions because I really don’t

He might have a case, probably not I didn’t read the whole article. The fact that this moron went to Yale and doesn’t have the situational awareness that now is not the time for a preppy white kid at a prestigious school to be suing the school over how they handled rape charges makes me think he definitely raped that

Mandatory Dave Parker pic (this and the one of him smoking in the dugout). A friend of mine bought me this shirt years ago and it is still my favorite

Took me way too long to realize this was an All Star Game. I’m like why is everyone wearing different jerseys?