
A stated city slicker and no mention of the king of the Street

this.... makes no sense

God damnit Liverpool you had the lead at half and now it’s 2-1. Be less Arsenal please


It would’ve been better if he shot the three and turned around and didn’t watch it land. He’s in Oakland afterall

Put this in the bin of all statements from Trump Supporters, #Notallmen, #AllLivesMatter and other groups missing the point of the wrong action and just worrying about how they are personally portrayed.

Whoops brain slip there Dany is Rhaegar’s sister, not daughter. Good call. Yeah, strategy-wise Dorne makes sense (Quentyn and Arianne’s plots) as an ally and maybe they’ll loop it back in with the books a bit that way.

Also, the steps seem like the easiest place to get an army of horses across a sea.

Could be. But the sand-snakes (who are cousins so family is still family I guess) killed Dany’s uncle Doran so she might not be thrilled with the current rule. They also killed Tyrion’s niece. I actually think they’d just be taken down because they’re in the way and all the family stuff won’t matter.


No. Mostly because this line can’t happen exactly as written in the show at this point and everything mentioned above that could happen has. Tyrion released the dragons, they just haven’t started reeking havoc. Also, you’re in the comments section.... “The comments are dark and full of spoilers”

Someone probably had this reply, but Littlefinger might stick one in his back to try to gain Sansa’s favor

Bronn comes back into the fold with 3 sand snake heads, Jamie gives a gelded high-five and we never have to hear from Dorne again until their are dragons and horses rolling through

Dorne might just be the first victims of Dany + Tyrion moving to Westeros

Russ Tyler begs to differ

Marginal? He clearly laid it out. Curry is possibly the most popular NBA athlete in the US in the history of the NBA, no way does the league want him out of the finals.

He immediately apologized when he realized his mistake. He might get a pass because he’s only been in the country for 4 years and is from NZ but I doubt it.

So I don’t really care because I feel like you’re hating just to hate but braziers are supposed to be large bowls of essentially kerosene with a flame at the top and the fire will slowly burn off the top. Spill it out like that and the fire will spread to all of the exposed surface area which is what they showed in

Was actually thinking the opposite has to happen

Well no. Bran has magic powers - lots of them. All the starks seem to be able to warg. Lord of Bones (or one of the wildlings) could shift to the eagle. There are giants and dragons, grey scale and white walkers. You can’t honestly be angry because the woman called the Mother of Dragons has some asbestos skin right?