
Actually my first thoughts about Tom Brady are “Douchebag, Trump?, Giselle”

Dude, do you know what a sucker punch is? They squared off to fight and Joey Bats (who I love) got his jaw busted after a dirty slide. I watched dirty shit like that take out two of the Pirates last year so I’m all for Odor hitting him.

you’re a second tier troll on a fringe site

kinda like those meat curtains

If the Pirates pitching decides to show up this year - hopefully in the 2nd half instead of the 1st - they could be really dangerous because they’ve been smacking the ball. They also have a good pen. I think they’ll get the other wild card over the West team and lose in a one-game playoff again. Other than that I agree

Still prefer a guy like this, who clearly gives a shit and doesn’t have that false humility bullshit over the guys napping in the Phillies dugout

Ned also fought with Ice but it became ceremonial when there was no war. When he fights Jamie in the streets, he is using Ice

I think the Raven is realizing Bran can do things that he can’t (like influence the past)

Curious, why is it surprising that he’s good?

eh, I got some $ for winning a competition (not $20k) and it paid for my study abroad experience which was clutch. It’s a good prize and I don’t think it’s shoe-horned into having to go toward tuition.

As someone who went through this competition, you do pick up a lot of tricks and patterns when you are practicing for this. That being said, these kids are really, really good and I don’t really know how to answer it either other than maybe start with the LCM (60) and guess and test?

There actually is compensation for winning these events. $20,000 scholarship intended for college, but I don’t believe it is locked and a trip to space camp.

Crawfish boils?

oh but you were okay with Chris Terry, Victor Riley, and Larry Johnson?

“It’s not clear if the counseling is voluntary or court-ordered, but what is the justice system for if not rehabilitation?” I mean there is pretty stark evidence (admissions from Nixon’s advisors, “The new Jim Crow”, common sense) now that it has been used to establish a caste system as well.

Other than that point,

I mean it’s kinda insulting to the kid when, in black pants, no one noticed his dong was hanging out. No way the black kid gets passed the editor.

A lot of people bitching about the no call on Waiters. I’m a soccer fan too, so I look at this as an advantage call. The Spurs ended up with a fucking 3 on 1 break with 10 seconds left to win the game and blew it. They wouldn’t have gotten that opportunity with the called foul.

I’m a big Pens fan. If you took this hit in isolation, I think the 1 game he got is fair but he really has been a dirtbag this whole playoffs and its putting the forwards at risk for retribution. I’m pretty shocked he didn’t get suspended for the high stick in Rd. 1 and I thought he’d get pegged for at least 2 here

Its one long playoff system. Just a round robin playoff system. Top score wins!

Not sure if anyone answered you but Prince wrote this song and gave it to Sinead O’Connor to sing (he did this a lot). She basically did a Prince cover and made it famous.