
It's almost as if you read the article and found it so interesting you just decided to make the same point

I know that. Seems to me most people arguing to reduce the debt though think we owe it to other countries

Real question. Why does the national debt matter? It’s not like anyone is going to call in their loans, we control the global economy and have a bigger military than most of the world combined (hence the debt). That government can also print money, so you can’t really treat a government like a small business. I mean I

While I Pitt we got on Villanueva with “I have eye brows” and Ben Gordon with just long chants of “Herpes!” not sure that beats the PLO one though. Pitt (in BE), Maryland and other schools that are the odd wheel out on old rivalries (Cuse v UConn; Duke v UNC) tend to make very loud, very unclassy, very funny fans in

Aww looks like someone’s mom shrunk his affliction shirt and now he’s got his panties in a bunch

A lot easier to pull of at 23 than 30

You just touted a robot, a lunatic and 911 truther as your good examples?

you know that there have been 33 mass shooting in the US in 2016 right? If some modicum of gun control cut that number to 20 I’d be happy. This isn’t fucking sunshine and rainbows, there are crazy people and there are lots of guns but we can at least try to stop some of it instead of sticking our thumbs up our asses

Is your point that the US should do nothing to try to fix the violent gun crime in the country? that this isn’t terrible because it happened somewhere else? that since Obama was wrong about it happening no where else that it makes the sentiment of the statement invalid? You know what, nevermind, fuck your point

Fair point but i think the first two in a list of three might be a part of that discrepancy.

Thought it was weird too but she/he linked to the article so I read it. The site states: “Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 15,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of

Is there any evidence to that other than usually people protect their own interests first? I don’t agree with TNC across the board but attacking him seems counterproductive to me. I also don’t understand the perceived mutual exclusivity of the socialist ideology in the Jacobian and TNCs views

Actually yes. This is Bettman’s plan to make you watch the NBA instead

Its all a loop though. “But problems in black/poor communities are so much more significant than these encounters. Bad schools, bad air, bad diets, bad or non existent parents, access to illegal guns, war on drugs, our largely non-existent manufacturing economy, etc.” can be attributed in part to bad policing,

Other than an excuse to show off some creative nicknames, I’m not sure I understand your point. Does the fact that Coates is not a lower-class citizen make his points less valid? The article from the Jacobin is interesting and an argument that hasn’t gone away. It gets talked about extensively and almost always

You reference the videos in the wrong order. Top one is the deep 3, bottom one is the 3/4 (half) court shot

I mean would that be bad? Making cancer a little more manageable little by little until it wasn’t a death sentence vs throwing anything that isn’t an immediate cure-all out the window?

The current Lakers?

I am genuinely curious how severe of CTE the average male or female walking around has and if there are any connections/simalarities with Alzheimers and Dementia. As the CTE diagnoses for NFL players goes up, I’d really like to know the baseline.

I think the terrorists hate us because we have fun things like this but instead of just enjoying it or moving on we come onto the internet and have a lot of OUTRAGE and HATE just for the sake of.... just for nothing I guess