
“I’m so fucking proud of these guys”

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Maybe having 4 large dogs in the back of the car lead her to run away from the cops. Related:

I don’t think Flacco started. Flacco’s only play at Pitt was a quick punt. Walt Harris was the best.... Larry’s sophmore season was my freshman year. Great way to start at Pitt. Fun to watch and set me up for the disappointments that would come year after year

As a huge Fitzgerald fan, I remember being disappointed when these allegations were brought forth. I thought they were tossed out though when it turned out that she had “embellished” (to put it kindly) the account in order to get full custody of their kid. Who knows the real story though because there was no full

I was at most of these games. Rutherford just chucking it as high and as far as he could and letting Fitz come down with it was the absolute best

Also interesting to note that the dissolution at the end of the War essentially established the states that participate in the newest version of middle east turmoil we know today.

Or a lot of people have listened to the excellent Dan Carlin podcast - “Blueprint for Armageddon” which I suggest if you haven’t.

Does this mean when ESPN shows his shot chart they owe him money for all those X’s? Kobe is an evil genius

“Barca players should be above this shit” - Sorry this isn’t the NFL and you don’t work for ESPN. I hate everyone on their high horses when it comes to this. Who the hell cares if players talk on twitter? Its a competition, trash talk should be and is part of the game. Pique is an asshole, but why is there some

Yeah I grew up in PA and this was fairly common but you didn’t get it by accident. People would ask for dipped weed or an illy stick (those were our terms then, no idea what it goes by now)

Has Sorkin ever won something from the Academy?

Holy shit people are dumb. I can’t believe how many people are posting to say you’re wrong. You’re always wrong

Because they are entertaining them for free? Its basically Gladiator except no one stabs the emperor

Agreed. Last year’s finals were Cavs vs. Golden State though. Oklahoma City, Dallas and the Heat have been in the finals in recent years. The Hawks were great last year. Do you think the model will rotate on its own with an influx of superstars and smarter GMs using different tools to evaluate talent and roster

is it? Honest question because I don’t see many people looking back and hating the Celtic-Lakers rivalry, the Bad Boy Pistons, MJ-Scottie just edging out Clyde and the Dream, Kobe/Shaq or the Spurs. As a reluctant fan of the Wizards, I’d like more parity too but I’m not sure the lack of it is necessary a bad thing.

So basically now we have two decrepit quarterbacks who can’t throw the ball further than 10 yards now? And in the other AFC game we have two competent QBs throwing to a bunch of nobody’s who were working at Costco to start the year? The best RB in both games prior to the year was CJ Anderson? Gross

Active NCAA official, have a question for you. Is the fair catch a kickoff/punt = free FG attempt with no defense on the field a real thing or a myth. Have you even seen it?

Needed that Brent Musberger call that eludes to gambling without outright saying it.

You can argue Magic? Have you ever seen Magic? It’s incredible. I once saw a guy run two city blocks away and then back again screaming the first time he saw Magic.