
What part of his job requires him to be engaging in interviews? He shows up, he's a shitty interview and that's the end of it. What part of your job pays you to be an old grump on the internet during work hours? How much do you really care what M. Lynch has to say about the game afterwards? What brilliant insight do

I fucking hate you. It's been 15 years since Gary Anderson missed that field goal, want to dig that video up too?

I'm really confused why you wrote this article? Are you promoting Grantland? Are you angry at Bill Simmons? Did his homerism break into your home and touch you? Do you hate Lena Dunham? I'm so confused why this article was necessary other than to show you can create a spiteful 3rd grade book report about a mediocre

You can't "believe" in evolution. That's like stating you believe in gravity, your heart's function to pump blood, Kobe is evil incarnate or that baseball writers are hypocrites. Belief takes an act of faith or a jump where there is no scientific proof that something exists. I believe Bill Walton may actually be a

The stunned reactions from the teammates mean 1 of 2 things: 1) The two are talking serious trash and putting smiles on their faces while doing it and everyone is just thinking WTF 2) The teammates are thinking "Is this true love?"

After reading this comment I fell down an internet hole and found this -

I haven't gone through all of the replies so I'm sure this got posted but pretty much all of Deuteronomy in the old testament describes God as an angry, jealous, powerful god who will smite just about anyone who doesn't do as they're told.

I grew up in central PA so I'm lucky. All of the local distributors are always fully stocked with Troegs.

Even Canadians were sick of apologizing for the Bills

Simple answer: A whole lot. The caliber and number of applicants will drop significantly due to this. Which is a shame because UAB has done a lot in the last 10 years to make it less of a commuter school and a good experience for all students.

If this were solely a money thing then I think people that actually know the university wouldn't be so up in arms. Its a clear writing on the wall message that has been popping up for years but has recently taken a major swing. The BoT is run by UAT graduates who want to make UAB (a much better school overall, both

I've written this before, but I'll say it here again. The BoT is not just after the football program. The BoT is composed of a strong majority of UAT people who are embarrassed that the main campus school in T-Town is significantly inferior to the branch campuses at Huntsville and Birmingham academically. They have

Note: You can't actually donate directly to UAB as a booster. It goes through the UA system, which as you may guess never goes to UAB

Everyone here is making the argument that this was done as a financial choice and that it will benefit the academic programs. This is patently false. Leaving out that this was actually a personal vendetta, and the Board of Trustees has undercut the UAB football team since it's inception in 1991. No student tuition

Sports isn't the be all end all of any school. But if you don't live in Alabama/Georgia/TN would you know to look at UAB if it weren't for sports? Sporting attracts candidates and then you can show them your worth. For example, the average SAT score at VT - an excellent engineering school - went up 150 pts after they

Also, it's difficult to build a profitable program when the BoT undercuts your every move (not just in football). Hire Jimbo Fisher? Nah, lets hire Paul's buddy. Expand the Nursing school? No way, Tuscaloosa has one despite not being near any well accredited hospital. The BoT wants to turn UAB into a medical branch

I see you Paul Bryant Junior. Now quickly tell me the cost of any program outside of the power 5? Explain to me where the added benefit will come - the university is not decreasing tuition and has repeatedly threatened to shut down the Honors Program, the Materials Science department and the History department as well


This is just in reply to your comment and I kind of feel bad putting this out there, but Ray Rice was this level of stand up guy in the community before he decided to abuse his girlfriend like AJ abused Cortland Finnegan. The NFL should hide behind this guy because he seems awesome, but if (hopefully never) he turns

Where's Joe Webb when you need him?