
This is how I feel after having four kids. If I had anything else going on I’d probably get arrested for stripping down in the waiting room.

Well, I don’t want to bum you out, but they had to take the baby at 16 weeks to save my life. I was getting a new clot every week. I did not want to die. They tied my tubes later. Eventually I had a hysterectomy. That was over 20 years ago. But I’m a grandma now, so he kinda makes up for it. Thanks for your kindness.

Can only pray that asshole has since lost his license to practice medicine.

You have very cute little feet.

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

in the not particularly gross but fairly embarrassing column: my doctor once told me i had the largest tonsils he’d ever seen, so i went up for a high five.

Just a few of the thoughts I am having as I watch this:

Watched this last night. It’s been a long time since I really thought about this case, and I recall making a real effort to avoid a lot of the tabloid press at the time.

I am in awe of the people who still think she did it. The way people can grab on to the first thing they hear and believe it in spite of overwhelming evidence is so common it is scary.

How exactly does a nine year hit his little sister in the head hard enough to kill her with a blunt object be a accident? That would have to be a pretty hard hit. That leaves out her rape, too. Plus I believe that she was hit more than once.

Hate to burst your bubble, but everything I’ve heard about him indicates he’s a right prick. He has a home in my city and most of the jobs here either service tourists or the insanely rich. I've had a number of friends have negative interactions with both him and his wife. Mostly not paying bills and generally being

Eli Mannings SNL was fucking GOLD. I still quote that constantly. I’ve never seen Payton’s but he kind of soured to me after it came out that he stuck his ass and balls in a physical therapist’s face.

Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!

I have read previously that during filming of Parks and Rec that he and Amy Poehler did not get along because of their political differences — a bummer, because I want to believe he is an excitable puppy of a human being all of the times !

I’m sick of Deadspin’s political commentary. Why are you guys showing a Trump rally? Stick to sports.

Lets zoom in a little bit

Agreed, except I would test if they could save my dog’s life from a burning building. I'll be fine but he better get my baby.

luxury real estate... Oklahoma

Just came here to say the same thing about Diane and Charlie. Their hellos were master class comedy. She’s really a talented little girl and it says a lot that she stands out in a sharply written and acted show.

Diane is my favorite Blackish character. I miss her beef with Charlie.