
@costanza007: They could attempt to reason with them too

@filecabinet20036: I never said I actually believe that's true I just thought it was interesting. I don't even think the person who typed all that necessarily thought it was true but that it was just a thought they had. And I mean come on you never know

This time he's just being an asshole. It seems all the publicity is inflating his ego and he's releasing info that doesn't really expose anything like people abusing power like previous leaks.

It's funny how a gaming peripheral could be the beginning of non human controlled drones

Looks like it would probably give you hemorrhoids if sat on it too long

I see all this stuff planned for after 2012 it's going to be really funny if something actually happens

Sadly people will buy this. Yet if people were smart (big stretch) no one would pay $500 for this and then they would be forced to lower the price.

@kitkatklub123: LOL. but seriously analog has more character and imo its better.

@DarthSnuggles: Who would have the camera on the back of their head? The chick? So I could see the dude fucking her? No thanks

@StopTheLHC: Well they probably won't when they see a camera on the back of his head...

I wonder what's planned for the 21 billion once the government gets it.

Why would you leave the radiator on the outside? The plastic is probably going to warp being so close to it too

@PrototypeMike: Isn't should be aren't. I do agree with your point though. Aside from looking kind of cool this thing is pretty dumb

Looks like a bunch of people who never learned to look both ways

@CaptainJack: The banks are making money off it too with overdraft fees.

Gimme girl #2 and #5

This congressman probably did something wrong that he doesnt want to get leaked

The people who made the film Mr. Nobody actually dd some research. []