
september is still the coolest month. it's funny though someone once told me to think of your birthday and then think of if there was anything going on 9 months earlier haha. kinda gross but my dad's bday is christmas eve and my mom's is january 6th. but yea looks like there's a lot of people making babies around

"where have all the good men gone?" they're out there. sometimes they don't make good first impressions unlike the assholes so they're overlooked. note that sociopaths are usually charismatic and great at first impressions.

what a joke our law making system is lol

why does it say i liked this article on fb? i only clicked the link from fb

i wonder if the skin gun could help them

wasn't that two face?

Bibio :)

Yea youre supposed to be able to get full extension of your legs. What happens if you want to stand and pedal too? Are you going to do an instant wheelie?

@goatonastik: Yea I can understand that but I think once it was dropped it was obvious that wasn't the case. If they wanted to avoid static shock they could just touch something metal before picking it up to discharge themselves. Also the grenade made it this far in civilian hands I don't think it was going to blow

It does kind of show their lack of awareness. The internet was around at the time and they are news reporters, you'd think they would know about current events. Makes me wonder if they have any idea what's really going on in the world they talk about these days.

Holy shit, walk over and pick up the grenade and put it in there for that poor robot.

White trash female, now in camera form.

@RaveCraft: Lol ok. It was justified complaining though

@RaveCraft: I'd hardly call that complaining. I was only elucidating my point.

@mjmusicguy: You're ignorant to the advantages of these.

@PacificFire: I'd say it's just that I don't see the point in wasting a minute and a half of my life watching something that is totally unnecessarily in the video. The video is titled monk throwing a needle through glass not monk winding up then throwing need through glass yet the winding up part is more than half of

@KamWrex: I don't think it has anything to do with impatience if I don't want to watch him wind in slow mo up for a over a minute.

They should make a law that says they can't make laws that could aid the government in doing things they shouldn't be doing. For example this law would prevent them from making the law that we can't photograph cops. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't do this either and if they didn't want to that would just be

@itsbensiegel: Was just about to post this. Great doc, everyone should watch it. It also talks about how they make you think that you need to buy products to define yourself.