
They aren't innocent creatures. They would suck your brain out with a straw, if they had the chance.

@Josh_Geyer: I don't know if I would consider that passive aggressive I just think it's funny

I honestly had a theory when I was in middle school that different galaxies had slightly different physics. I've had a bunch of theories that have turned out to be true actually, too bad I don't have the means to test out the ones I still have.

@Hand_O_Death: Well it has nothing to do with self indulgence and they definitely do get paid enough. But this is the problem, the government has come so far away from caring about the people which should be its main objective. Their new objective seems to lining their individual pockets.

@TomServo: Haha just earlier a chick on this forum I go on said she was reformatting her computer i was like damn I dont know any chicks that even know what that is lol and it was kinda hot. And wow ur talking about your gf while im talking about some chick on an intenet forum lmao.

@beefmalone: A lot of people are too naive to think the government would do something not in the interest of the people e.g. flouride in the water supply.

It's like microsoft people are just normal people albeit slightly weird (but who isn't) normal people. Then there's apple people and they're all like my iphone's still better and my computer's better too even though I paid way more for it and it's technically not as good as a computer I could've gotten for the same

@slyman928: On a more serious note (not that I wasn't serious) its like they want people to pirate stuff. It's funny how they screw their paying customers.

Long Live Pirating!!!

Damn what a cold bitch! She couldve had a cuncussion.

And I thought of doing this in a similar way a long time ago but doing it to find out what animals were thinking. Maybe they could tell us the secrets of the universe.

So how long until they can beam information into our brain. This is sort of wrong though, you know in 20 years there's gonna be a big government scandal about them reading our minds without our knowledge.

It's amazing what people did with their time in the past. Or should I say it's amazing what people do with their time.

You'd think that stuff would be bolted down or something.

Also i bet this has a lot to do with lobbyists and corporate bullshit. Did you guys know that they passed a bill a few months ago that would raise the amount lobbyists could donate to political campaigns?

I love how our politicians are supposed to represent what the people want but in the end they do almost the opposite.

Can anyone else get themselves to see the dots a third way? i can see them all just kind of going to the middle and bouncing back... kind of hard to explain