
SRL is still in D1. Just have to set up a private match and invite people to get at it.

You’re playing as a super space knight with magic powers that kills aliens while wearing [insert most ludicrous shader you know of here] armor, and the thing you focus on is why three old guys choose to talk to you instead of walking across the tower?

Buy $10 worth of silver then go to the season tab in the director. Almost had a heart attack myself before realizing that. 

750 is the new base after the release of Shadowkeep. As to where to start, to do the red war, osiris, or warming campaigns, talk to Amanda Holiday, the shipwright, at the tower. For Shadowkeep storyline, check near the moon on the destination tab of the director.

It was. The guy who bought the stolen account undoubtedly had legal fees of his own and I would hope that maybe, although it was listed as part of the settlement, maybe the original owner of the account chose to be a decent guy and help out someone with their crap after they got scammed just like him. At least we can

“It’s big, kind of fast, but I’m pretty sure I’m faster.”

Looks like he was going too fast for conditions while empty and hit a good bump right as a strong crosswind caught him. Couple that with the generally poor road conditions, hooking the tires on an expansion joint, and overcorrecting to avoid pancaking the car on his right, and all the right components for a heavy