Sly Jackal

Sooooooo.  Tell me again about how “moderate” Collins, Murkowski, etc are again?

Trump is a fascist. We shouldn’t tolerate fascism. This is fine.

Yeah, no. I think it is okay to kick out the staff of a wanna be fascist. It is also the difference between a Trump staffer and an Obama staffer.

And your stance on wedding cakes for gay couples?

Uh, yeah, a business can ask someone to leave the premises for basically any reason they want so long as it isn’t discriminating against a protected group. I would do the same thing as the restaurant, if I owned it.

It’s likely that there are many more classic car enthusiasts with under 6-figure salaries that would be negatively affected by this ban.

And get that few billion back from Iran too.

So...................................... you want me to turn off my adblock?

Giuliani probably thinks you need to wear a condom to ensure you don’t contract VPN.

It’s hard to tell exactly how fast he was going or anything but it seems to me the Renault driver simply turned left in front of him and he didn’t have time/space to take evasive action so they crashed.

Those of us with workstation setups love this new cpu arms race between Intel and AMD. A couple things to point out.

I’ve seen enough Sci-Fi to know where this is going.

No gonna speak on the case, but “Talula describes herself as a Montreal native, an artist, screenwriter and music video director who still bartends” killed me. Girl you a bartender.

Pretty sure he’s talking about video stabilization

The semi-squashed SUV thing has been around for a long time now....

I think this is one of those cars that will look better in the darker colors people will actually buy them in rather than mac & cheese orange.

I dunno, I don’t think it’s too bad, with exception for the color. Nice side profile, rear end looks good.

You have no idea the levels of fuckery it takes to make me side with the Fucking Eagles, but by god, Donny Boy has done it.

Gizmodo reached out to Google for details about the incident.