Sly Jackal

It’s easy to get a cheap phone and affordable plan. One doesn’t need the latest $600+ iPhone. I have a capable Moto G5 I paid less than $150 outright, and I have 3GB data and voice for less than $20/month.

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Here in Europe we have two ways to pay for our mobiles: or a contract with invoices on our credit card, or the “rechargeable” sims, that you load by buying quotes at the drugstores (tobacconists). Personally, I have always had a contract with invoices on my Visa, because I believe that rechargeable sims are for the

This will never end and people will keep dying if we do everything except implementing some real gun control and start charging people for negligence when it comes to gun storage and handling.

Well in the dealership’s defense, she was buying a Fiat. Good enough reason as any to check for a human brain.

Can’t get mad that we don’t get this car. We complained that we don’t get some thing and Ford said, you’re right. Then they started to sell us these gems.....and we didn’t buy it. Now we don’t get it. Before we yell at Ford I want you, all of you to take a look in the mirror and blame the person looking back at you

Because they aren’t making cars any more, or hadn’t you heard?

You say that as if video evidence isn’t SUPER valuable in a situation like this.

The confusing stereo is a real issue when you need to look at it to control important functions in the vehicle. Also, the Edmunds long term road test has some more interesting insights. Their radio kept turning up to full volume without warning. That seems like it would be enough to distract the driver and create a

You can overcook/glaze brake pads after one hard stop from 60 mph? That thing should be able to go multiple laps around a track without any fade.

Dear “Freedom from Facebook”,

America is full of morons

As if most truck owners actually use it as a truck.

Proven reliability > Unproven beauty

At this point he should just start shouting #FAKENEWS! at any coverage that is critical of him or Tesla.

The driver admitted that she was looking at her smartphone instead of the road. This accident was completely the driver’s fault. Next case.

I’m getting tired of this trope that white people are the only ones who can be rich.
Are there disproportionate rates of poverty between POC and white people? Sure, but this hot take that it’s for “Rich WHITE People” is bullshit.
