Sly Jackal

Sadly most drivers today haven’t the slightest idea what “yield” means...

...baiting, perhaps? When it’s a yield you need to be more ambitious or else you’ll never make it in that traffic.

Yeah, I mean don’t go around them, but there really wasn’t any need for the cop to be stopped there, they have a lane in front of them, so pull into it, and merge at speed rather than trying to do it from a stop.

I am working on my Ph.D right now and one of my fellow candidates is writing a thesis on that actually.

Yeah, my town got sued by AT&T for trying to start a free, municipal broadband service on the grounds that the town agreed to not compete in the contract when they started renting AT&T a cell tower.

Now playing

Sorry, I couldn’t help reading your comment in this voice:

It might not light the world on fire, but 200hp puts it right in the middle of Compact Crossover country, and nearly 300mi of range is far better than most offerings. Don’t forget, the “New” Leaf still has a rated range of less than 150mi. Every EV, when compared to a Tesla, will likely fall short in all categories

Internal investigations found that his emails titled “New Escort” were not actually anything to do with bringing back an old nameplate.

That worked like gangbusters in 2016...and 2014...and 2012...

I’d much rather have the “boring” looking Audis than the majority of their competitors. Car design is, generally, way over the top and pretty bad right now. Too many grilles, gills, jowls, and scoops.

And the Panny can do 10-bit, and 400mbps All-I. :)

What if he did?

To answer #2, this investigation really targets money laundering/wire fraud at multi-national corporations like Adidas and Nike. Demolishing the NCAA’s facade of amateurism is just a side effect.

Why not all of the above?

I’ve been doing my best to ignore this guy. Has he truly drank his own kool-aid, or is he just a horrible human being?

He’s too poor to own an island.

Truly he is the pleb.

That’s not such a crazy idea. That’s essentially how they became what they are. There was a hostile takeover in 1977 that shoved the organization into lobbying and an anti-all-regulations stance.

Couldn’t there be some kind of case to be made that if everyone who was against the N.R.A, join the N.R.A, then the majority would take over, collectively vote everyone out that’s running the show with the endgame being to basically neuter its entire platform.

I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!