Sly Jackal

Last time I said we need to find a way to stop a nut with a gun—and that’s all I said—I get an email saying, “I’m saving my last bullet to put it right between your eyes.” Just another responsible gun owner in America.

The flaw in his argument is that it’s reasonable and well articulated.

“It’s getting harder to enjoy the day”

“Bad form” is for cloyingly vapid simpletons. Wishing someone, particularly a bad and actively harmful person dead, merely wishing, not going out and murdering them, is fine. If Pai goes away, things instantly get better. Whether it’s the beginning or end of his suffering or not is irrelevant to the practical benefit

Unless there are immediate, severe financial consequences for mis-handling customer info, this kind of thing is going to keep happening. We should have something like HIPAA covering all personal info held or transferred by businesses.

Not sure if this is a popular opinion - but I like it quite a bit.

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

The majority of the oil and gas in the pipeline in question is for export, and the profits going to a few. Much of those profits are also stashed away in offshore tax havens. Exactly how does it affect the lives of the majority of people other than to the detriment of their shared natural heritage?

But I believe the difference there is those bikes were seized from bikers involved in stunting and other shit.

Weren’t those bikes confiscated from stunter d-bags?

I’d say it’s not sharing tracks with freight. Last such crash we had here (Poland), if I remember correctly, took place when the commies were still around.
All of the tracks are shared with freight trains here. Guess Amtrak needs to up their safety.

He’s one of those guys who like to smoke pot and make stupid jokes on twitter. It’s just that most stoners don’t have millions of dollars to make their infantile twitter jokes come true.

Every single absurdly rich person is a few bushels short of a harvest, but let’s face it: we’re better off having them use their craziness to be funny/developing tech that’s good for the planet, as opposed to say... investing in shitloads of banks and real estate just to hoard more wealth.

We’d also like to point out that this was a press release for the A-Class hatch, which we probably won’t be getting.

Because half their slimy asses are complicit in it.

A TSB may have been issued not because of faulty equipment, but because the brand doesn’t want petty complaints to rise up for what is actually true - performance brakes do make more noise. I don’t know how hard you brake, but it’s possible that lesser “normal” brakes offer the same performance as the performance

It’s not 4000 hours of content, it’s 4000 total hours of people watching. Peter McKinnen, YouTube creator, broke this down and the new requirements would only equate a few bucks. I also believe you have to have $25 worth of AdSense to cash it out.

Try living with so little spare money that if you lost your job you would be broke in a month (living paycheck to paycheck)

you would do 60 in the passing lane while talking on your cell phone?