Credit Union ...
Credit Union ...
per car?
So if they bring it here this car will be free after tax deductions?
Snow tires ... snow tires.
201 hp ... you really don’t need AWD. Matter of fact I am sure AWD would slow you down with the extra weight.
I use and
I use and
It is actually worse when you brace yourself.
fat money ... lol
How many hours a week does a Tesla factory worker work?
So 0 - oh shit run ... in 1.2 seconds now instead of 1.5?
Why? This is so lame?
No one knows what the bolt is ...
To be pc leaving the seat for women would be sexist.
No it is not. Not the one in the picture. The one in the picture is a 991 with “shitty” electric steering.
The whole point of a trackday car is to have car which is street legal and which can set the record lap at the local racetrack. If we use your theory then everyone should by a base 911s with no performance options ...
Which makes this swap even more idiotic ... if you think about. Why not just drive the 997 then? it has hydraulic steering which feels much better?
If he wants a slower 911 with a manual why not get a 997, it has much better steering feel as well. Or is steering feel not important?
You will lose more than fractions of seconds. It will be more than a second.