
“This is objectively the worst piece of media in human history. B minus.”

Is it really “losing an exclusive” when the game was always planned to release on other consoles after a timed exclusivity?

To all of the “A cop smiled at me one time therefore systemic police brutality doesn’t exist” crowd you can save you faux outrage over the title. Yes, ACAB. No, we don’t need to have personal interractions with every cop in existence to know this. The institution of Police exists from top to bottom to enforce the will

Not that you’ll actually pay any attention, but here you go:

Cops are not an identity group, they’re a profession. It is impossible to commit a “micro-aggression” against someone for being a fucking cop. They have made a choice to become instruments of state violence and racist oppression and deserve all the scorn and mockery that they get for that.

But for fucks sake, are we really shitting on any attempt at community outreach here?

Cop Recruiter: “Lotsa cops are quittin’, we need more cops...”

Something tells me you’ve already heard the rational reasons for defunding the police and chose to ignore them.

Yes, all of them. You can’t participate in an institution that is systemically corrupt and discriminatory, and which exists to maintain a corrupt power structure and then turn around and claim to have clean hands. Even the ones you would call “the good ones” protect the bad ones and they system that empowers them, and

...the NYPD is among the worst police departments for officer accountability despite being because it’s one of the most well-funded in the United States.

I mean, at best it’s proof they have a way too bloated budget that could be used to actually help people outside of policing. At worst it’s a great way to trick kids into giving them their genetic information which they have done in the past...

Just to drive your point home - I have no idea why I remember this - but there’s an episode of Captain Planet where Gaia’s ex-husband (?) voiced by Sting returns to Earth from space exile and gives the Planeteers magic gauntlets in exchange for their rings - I’m assuming it’s a play on “rule with an iron fist” - but

This song actually slaps. She has Hayley Williams vocals and a clear passion for the genre so I fully encourage!

Listen, Bob - if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.


Hot take: the Tim Burton version isn’t bad. Sure, the backstory was unnecessary... and strange... and not needed... but at least Christopher Lee got a paycheck so something good came from it.

They had to do that. There was a tape delay in case Statler and Waldorf started dropping F Bombs on live TV, like they did in their guest appearance on The Osmond Family Live! Christmas In Utah special back in 1978.

But wait, is he actually talking about a show getting cancelled? Not “Cancel Culture”, but the thing that describes when a network ends a show, the same term “cancel” that has been around to describe that for decades? Unless there are some missing tweets in the middle, seems like he likely is talking about that - TV

Now, are we sure he's talking about cancel culture and not just shows being literally cancelled or movies not being funded?