
For God’s sake, Sam, can we cut this nonsense out? The “backlash” to the new Disney ride consisted entirely of one editorial on SFGate before Fox News picked it up and ran with their brand new culture war football. There is no need to play their game. I don’t care what two people on some editorial webpage have to say:

I hate how Chex Quest is always mentioned as a good example of an advertgame. Cool Spot and McKids were at LEAST as good, and they were more than just reskins of existing games.

Man says, “Doctor, I feel too coddled by this PC Culture. Nothing shocks me anymore.”

“He began by lamenting The Simpsons’ fall from “creating great insight into the modern cultural experience” to a show that’s “since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors.””

Correction: Steven Segal used to run weird. Now he needs a body double to walk up the stairs (like an incontinent toddler with noodles for arms)

Oh I recognize that box art! This was the DVD that turned up in drugstore $1 bins when the Peter Jackson movie was in theaters! 

I was so thrilled when Bakalova got a nom.  Among many frustrating things about the Academy, is their giving short shrift to comedic performances.  Bakalova did phenomenal work, and I hope she takes home the prize.

Thank you for pointing that out because I DID NOT SEE IT.

But Bob’s Burgers hasn’t given me a reason as to why the AV Club doesn’t review Bob’s Burgers anymore!

“ It mostly works. How much more can we really expect?”

It mostly works. How much more can we really expect?”

Plus the show had lost a bunch of steam by its last few years. It was a lot of rehashing of the same old plots by then. It sucks it didn’t get a chance to do a real finale, but it also wasn’t cut down in its prime, either. 

because jesus but do we not want to think about what Dale Gribble has been up to for the last five years.

I've been watching the show on Hulu lately. It still holds up today, definitely doesn't need a reboot

It’s really frustrating how much fun the second one was, and how much they dropped the ball with the 3rd one. I honestly thought with 2 they had found this fun niche that wasn’t GTA, and felt like it had it’s own identity. But despite a great map, 3 just wasn’t as fun for me, and buggy as hell. The fact that it took

H Jon Benjamin’s voice work in... well, pretty much everything he’s ever done would beg to differ. In Archer, Bob’s Burgers, even as far back as Home Movies, his voice work was/is an ESSENTIAL part of the character. Archer isn’t Archer without that exasperated smugness, and Bob isn’t Bob without that *souciant* of

Yes. I love seeing movies in theaters. I take your point about popcorn prices, but that won’t keep me away. Unless the popcorn is filled with disease.

The final scenes in the episode, with Ned talking to Bart and then taking comfort from Edna's diary, were actually quite sweet. It’s a shame that the rest of the episode was the sixty seventh version of “Lisa is jealous of someone else’s success.”