

Climate change is complete hoax created by displaced communist trying to separate you from your money. Money=Freedom. Money give individuals the power to pursue their own interests. The lack of money allows the state to control you.  Read Ayn Rand and grow up.

What a stupid article. The global warming crowd is reaching.... When Katrina blasted New Orleans, the global warming crowd said this was going to happen more frequently. We did not have a major landfall hurricane for 12 years. Now they say it will just be more intense.

You global warming freaks are pathetic. Its always been this hot in Arizona.

idiot liberals

The reason why the pipeline was avoided all these years is because Obama’s buddy Warren Buffet supplied the trains to transport the oil. A pipeline is an inherently safer way to transport oil.

Thank God we have come to our senses

The only New Movement I can think of is a good bowel movement to rid ourselves of the last eight years of Obama

I’ve never had more fun reading an article. I found this website to keep myself updated in the tech world. I’ve kept reading this website for all of the hilarious articles written by mindless millennials. It remarkable what skulls full of mush you all have. This website is about 10% tech and 90% whining. Maddie

Seriously??? I don’t even bother to look at who writes the articles any more. This is the biggest load of crap. The true data points to the earth cooling over the past 15 years. Uncovered emails have proven that the crazy globalists have manipulated the data to serve their purpose. All of this nonsense is an

This is not pneumonia. It was a neurological event. She lost all control over ambulation. This was not a fainting episode. The other thing, why did they take her to Chelsea's house instead of the hospital? This must be an ongoing issue.