
Oh, Jeff Goldblum

Oh my god, white people did a thing, let's all be outraged about it.

incorrect. you cannot make lasagna without cheese, and those sad, pale things they call 'vegan cheese' are unworthy of mention.

Good lord! Does anything on earth make you happy? It's a funny little website and book that pokes fun at the stuffiness and delicacy of cookbooks. It is the "Go the Fuck to Sleep" of cookbooks.

While you have an amazing and perfectly valid point, and I do not wish to in any way detract from it, I feel like you could have left it at "a fair and balanced discussion on Fox News. ;)

You are hypothesizing that this woman had battered woman syndrome upon meeting a dude for the first time? Really?

Please have some common sense. She was at a public concert with security guards and police - why didn't she leave? Why didn't she go to the police after? None of this adds up. I'm against victim blaming if there is any shred of credible evidence or testimony for the victim.

Well, not that it's saying much (depending where you are) but, yeah, police does better than colleges. Colleges will do their best to avoid becoming the equivalent of a court system except, I gather, if you walk on the precious grass (kitteneye) ... or park in the wrong place (MisfitToy).

That is why you take it out of the hands of the school and go directly to the police, and insist on a rape kit and prosecution. Hard to make football practice from a jail cell.

I am a staunch advocate of the two P's of dating: Personality, Pulse.

That's what I'm scratching my head about. On one hand it's great that they're very clear now that "not saying no" is not the same thing as consent, but how on earth will this change an actual criminal trial? Rapists already use the "she said yes/was into it and only regrets it/is embarrassed b/c people found out/made

I don't know how this changes anything. It's still a he said/she said situation.

while this is all well and good, it reminds me of my inexperienced college boyfriend. can i touch your boob now? how about now? is this okay? how am i doing?

It only applies to colleges? Sucks for women that don't attend college or graduated.

Maybe this will finally put to rest the rumors (and I mean rumors that circulate among doctors who then give bad advice or refuse to provide IUDs to their patients) that women who haven't given birth can't have an IUD. There's no better way to cause a woman to give birth than to irrationally deny her access to the

Okay, there's a risk with performing the laparoscopic surgery, but there's also risk with performing the more invasive, non-laparoscopic surgeries. It would be nice if Jez would hire a science writer who would go more in depth on these things instead of using the typical media scare tactics that make people distrust

Well, I'm not open-minded to misogyny.

How is this place different really from Saudi Arabia? The source of the laws (Koran and Hadith) is the same, the dress code is the same, the religious police are essentially the same, the punishments are the same. Nineteen people were beheaded in Saudi Arabia by the state in August. Saudi Arabia is just older as a