
How can you ask people to leave her out of his redemption story when she’s speaking to the press and is still married to the asshole? She’s as much a part of his story as anyone else. But of course she makes people uncomfortable. This is a woman who chose to stay with her abuser after he punched her lights out in a

Spoken like a true militant vegetarian/vegan...

Totally agree. It sucks that women feel like they have to justify their choice or that there have to be extenuating circumstances (abusive boyfriend, mentally unstable, etc.). What about “I had an abortion because I didn’t want to have a baby”. Full stop. No excuses. Exercising their right to choose and no need to

Wow, first of all congratulations! As for your boyfriend, I wouldn't worry too much. I think that the only way to be successful at weight loss is if you're doing it for the right reasons, and the only right reason is if you're doing it for yourself. Much like quitting smoking, you can't succeed if your motivation is

It's not that these people "need convincing", it's that any allegation of a crime has to be corroborated by evidence if you want anything to be done about it.

Rape, like any other crime, has to be proven in order for there to be justice. Part of that means that your evidence has to withhold scrutiny and, yes, even skepticism from the other side.

Thank you.

Sometimes I think logic and reason are completely lost on most Jezebel commenters.

LOL are you stupid? If you're incapable of understanding history (including old songs) from a viewpoint other than the one you live in, that's on you, not the song. It just makes you ignorant and hysterical. Go back to school.

You know the minute this story was published, 10 porn stars went out and immediately changed their names. Again.

Because the idea is to have candidates who actually stand a chance of getting elected.

This. I think they were right to have her committed too. Think about it: she's estranged or at best has irregular contact with her parents, who don't seem like they're all that willing or able to take care of her. No friends. An ex boyfriend who seems to be the only one willing to take care of her and who seems to be

Well, she's the most useless. At least the other 3 have careers. She's just a vapid hanger-on who's only ever spoken about in relation to who she's fucking.

Then stand by your convictions and quit your fucking job.

It's about being professional. If I really can't stand my boss' decisions, I'll quit. I don't air my professional grievances in public.

This. Plus, if you take a job, you accept the conditions - such as, you can voice your opinion but ultimately it's your boss' call, and you either accept that or you quit, you don't go whining about it on Twitter. Or at least wait until the show is finished and off the air.

I think the comment was only about the womanizing? And yeah, at least they never claimed to be anything but the dickheaded party boys they were/are. And hey, it's not like they forced thise models to be arm candy...

With all respect, the core of the issue is in this zero-sum social rule of essentially turning off one's critical faculties when addressing sexual assault and rape. The article did just that. It engaged with the subject in the exact way that the pages of Jezebel and elsewhere say you should engage: with belief

That should be the scandal, not whether it was this fraternity or that day or whatever minutia we're getting bogged down in.