
Hey, there's probably 83,203 psychopaths that want revenge on me after killing their cult leader. Where should I go? Oh I know, let's go back to MY OWN APARTMENT WITH NO PROTECTION.

When the fuck do they NOT send Ryan/Mike to everything? You'd think after the 56,2043th time of getting fucked, they'd learn and, you know, go with backup. But nope.

I think you either have to be borderline sadistic, or fucked in the head, to actually enjoy this show on a visceral level. It insults the viewer every 5 seconds. I don't understand humanity. Yes, shit like this gets renewed while good quality shows, with excellent writing, acting, and premises get cancelled all the

You underestimate how idiotic and just downright dull many people are, in that they can't recognize an absolute shit show when they see it. I have no doubt some people genuinely think its well made, which is downright frightening.

That would have been way too logical for this show. Because, if she can get a cell signal, she has internet. Unless the the FBI in this show is too cheap to supply data, which can very well be the case.

One of the many, many, many lines and scenes this episode (and all previous) which seriously makes me question whether this show is indeed purposeful self-parody.

I was almost pulling my hair out screaming at Claire not to run away and just fucking kill him right there, or fatally would him with the knife, which she easily could have.  But nope, lets just run away. Oh, and apparently they've been running through the woods for a few HOURS, because in the next scene it's night

Also, I hope that made Crassus realize how fucking pathetic he is. He thinks he's the shit, yet Spartacus still betters him after being injured and sliced a thousand ways and most of his energy being sapped from previous combat. Crassus, even at 100% didn't stand a chance.

Am I the only one that was hoping against hope that Spartacus would NOT be taken down from the backside, cheaply, like almost every other fucking main character on the show? I mean, seems thats the ONLY way Spartacus and friends can get killed. Cowardly fucking roman cunts.

Was it implied that she became a lesbian at the end? I assumed so when it shot to her and and another chick before the battle.

I hear you, I'm in the exact same boat. This show was like my guilty pleasure, because I know that noone I share it with will give it a chance. It's up there with one of the most, if not THE most amazing TV experiences I've ever had. Never has a show elicit such strong, raw emotions from me, ranging from joy, to rage,

Why was only the first episode of S1 reviewed? The fact that they just decided to quit on one of the most amazing seasons of TV ever makes me lose all respect for this site.

Fuck Caesar. The character is so wicked and unlikeable on this show, not one single time having the guts to face an enemy without cheap aid (like how he took down gannicus), I'd have absolutely no interest in watching a show that revolves around him. EVen Crassus shows more humanity.

You're the only one. So maybe you're the idiot/retard, as you accuse everyone here of being?

Are you a sociopath? Does you life revolve around defending this show? Are you getting paid? You haven't said one intelligent thing in this thread apart from calling people who were disappointed retards and idiotic. People have a right to their opinions, especially when they're justified and articulated. You need to

What is with you, calling everyone here an idiot? Go fuck yourself, seriously. You sound like an asshole. People are justified in wanting finality to the governor after 16 episodes and not wanting him to pop back up again in the future.

Impatient? The season (all 16 episodes) is finished, so what the fuck are you talking about? Most of us tolerated the governor the whole season because we were patient. But that patience did not pay off.

Please fucking stop trolling this thread. You've made that comment several times now.

Because you don't agree with his opinion, he's a "know nothing"? How disgusting of you. At least he articulated exactly what bothered him (which I happen to agree with 100%), unlike you, who can do no better than a personal attack.

No, milton wasn't stabbed with plyers. He was stabbed multiple times with a large knife. On-screen. Not sure what exactly you were watching. Watch the scene again before patronizing others who made an opinion based on what was actually shown.