Thackery Binks

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Remasters like these don’t look shitty because “you can’t see the individual pixels”, it’s because they change the way scenes are supposed to look. There’s actually a great article on the website Kotaku explaining this exact phenomenon, I recommend you check it out here.

How closedminded and dismissive of you.

Yeah, what was once funny isn’t allowed to be funny anymore. I watched “Blazing Saddles” over the weekend and couldn’t help but think that there’s no way in the world this movie could be made in 2017 without an incredible amount of backlash.

Are you assuming his race and gender?

wow people get butthurt so easy,fucking relax world.

Another point in favor for the “rushed to market even if it wasn’t ready”.

::reads title::