
Dead how? Regionals still get hundreds of entrants, pros are still making a living off of it, amateurs are still joining the scene, and most importantly they’re all still having fun. No reason to move on.

I understand if you don’t have a working controller or being hard to come by a GameCube Controller, but that’s not the case here. Thanks to Smash 4, GameCube controllers are incredibly common to find now. There’s no excuse not to get a newer controller and enter the tournament with it.

But I feel like since you meant Smash 4, you should clarify that in the title. Every time I read an article about top level smash 4 play on Kotaku, it’s always like “____ is one of the best smash players in the world”, and I’m just thinking “ that’s straight up not true.” The games are still different enough to

Why do you assume I take offense? Why does everyone think I hate Sm4sh? I love Sm4sh! It’s gorgeous, well-made, surprisingly well-balanced, and is one of my favourite games to play with all of my friends over... However, it is not anywhere NEAR as competitive as Melee. I also don’t know why everyone in this thread

By “Mew2King”, you mean “Hungrybox” or “Amarda”, right? :)

Eh, they’re different enough of games to warrant pointing it out in the title.