
Nope. That’s false. The metabolic pathway is already clearly understood with ketosis.

My wife worked in eating disorder treatment for a while, and while I was very much on the outside of the issue, I never heard of any person in eating disorder treatment that didn’t have some kind of serious comorbidity, be it depression, anxiety, or a litany of other mental health diagnoses.

From what I can find on the DSM-5, the diagnostic behaviors are defined as “causing clinically significant distress/impairment of functioning,” and are further broken down by the different categories of eating disorders. It’s definitely something that would be diagnosed by a psychologist/psychiatrist, and not just

The problem doesn’t lie within the diet then.

The problem with a non-restrictive diet is that it will kill you. Plain and simple. Various harmful effects come from non-reactive diets. It’s stupid. Learn what is good for you and stick to it. Learn what is bad for you and RESTRICT it.