This smells like a set up for a news story....
This smells like a set up for a news story....
Please tell me what part of planned parenthood helps you with having a baby? Also, Obama made similar statements himself on the campaign trail. The point is that people are equating health care with health insurance. Health insurance to most people means that someone else pays the bill. ACA put bets that young…
So policital... I’ve been wondering why Uber has been so front and center in the news and I had no idea of the Trump support until now and the whole misogyny kind of caught me off guard because that is the tech world in general and I couldn’t understand how or why they were being singled out. It makes sense now in…
Fake news! Its everywhere now! No need to worry about the content of those DNC emails...
Ha! Double-minority first generation government employee! The new protected class!