John Legend will no longer be performing at a post-Grammy party at the Beverly Hills Hotel after learning about the owner's anti women and LGBTQ policies. [Page Six]
John Legend will no longer be performing at a post-Grammy party at the Beverly Hills Hotel after learning about the owner's anti women and LGBTQ policies. [Page Six]
Fuck 'em both :)
It is important to attract men to feminism in some contexts. In places where women have no power, you're going to have to appeal to a male power structure to advance.
It does sound like something from Portlandia.
Originally from Michigan, he strove for an anti-capitalist lifestyle, the pinnacles of which were his militant veganism and leadership in the biking community.
This is why I don't give a shit about attracting men to feminism. I don't give a flying toss if feminism has a marketing problem. I don't care that you don't feel 'welcomed into the community'. For too long popular feminism has been more concerned with it's image and "collecting members" than real action.
This is neither indictment nor praise, but the trailer reads like Urban Outfitters: the movie. Like, this looks kinda good but is also cheaply made and overpriced and thinks its unique in its visual appeals to nostalgia and fantasy. Unlike Her, which is great, but which played more like American Apparel: the movie.…
She's always been so awesome. I will never forget one of the first times I saw her — in one of People's "Most Beautiful People" issues when she was, god, like 19? They asked her what the best beauty advice she'd ever gotten was, and she said something about her mom telling her that if she ever gets the family whiskers…
tay is bae etc etc. like this isn't laziness but i just feel like, at this point, we all know i am quietly screaming and crying over everything she does.
I wouldn't have a problem making out with Zachary Quinto either.
Honestly, I got through it...and both sequels...several times. If I'm having a terrible week, sometimes I like to pick it up and laugh and laugh. Sometimes I like to do dramatic readings of it in the middle of work.
I accidentally watched The Secretary with my dad. :|
Is it bi-curious if it is for a sea creature? If we call fish eaters pescetarians, shouldn't we have a word for shark fuckers?
After that, we are going to a wine tasting where I will simultaneously embarrass you with my drunken antics and bore you as you will not be permitted to drink the wine.
Honestly, what was that even about? What would insurance do if my TV fell and killed my child? Replace my TV? New Child Policy?
And even then, what's the insult? "You looked cute in this swimsuit one time. Ha-ha, nailed you."
I saw the resemblance to T Swift when the dancers came out...but I feel like if this was a real diss they would have been wearing blond wigs?
Tom Brady got a free Chevy for being MVP. Tom Brady can afford a Chevy. What Chevy & the NFL need to do, and maybe Tom will, is donate an automobile to women's shelters that need vehicles for picking up women & their children in life or death situations. Or for supply runs for the shelters. That would go a lot further…