Vintage 2006 meme

“He does not love to eat hot dogs”

What’s the alternative? Just eating one without emotion? Eating one and HATING it? That phrase just seems odd to me.

Also; hot dogs are a perfectly fine sandwich

So uh, the fish oil turned out to be snake oil all along, go figure.

I was originally going to go with a qubits=/cubits biblical joke but then I couldn’t stop thinking about Q*Bert — why, I have no idea. What does this new technology have for the implications of the semi-famous 8-bit video game... thing?

Not enough attention paid to the dude with a name that sounds like they tried to turn Meek Mill into something that sounds like a “real” name

The Balls are literally in a Baltic country right now, this shit is too punny

In a Ryu-related thing, in the Washington State legislature there’s a lawmaker with that as her last name. Guess what was one of the bills she was a primary sponsor for?

It had to do with martial arts businesses.

So yeah, Washington State’s Ryu is out here helping dojos across the state... or something.

“legendary feat of speed”

Wow, I knew Florida Man (and Florida Woman) were bad, but Florida Clinic sounds downright dastardly!

Whoa, now I’m imagining what DJT’s Twitter drafts are like

Your neighborfucking analogy misses a big point regarding privacy concerns — notoriety of the person whose privacy is allegedly violated. Hulk Hogan is a public figure with arguable notoriety, making his freedom of privacy less due to one of the major tenets of journalism — prominence. Maybe your neighbors have a

I’m coming back to this when I’m off work to add it to my Spooky folder

Gross, sure, but as a wily teen with a job as a busboy sometimes doing a downward Dynamite Kick after hopping off of a beer keg into an overflowing trash bin was fun.

I’m embellishing a little lot, sure, but any chance to stomp on stuff was not wasted.

FYI Harambe was a WESTERN lowland gorilla, not the Eastern variety. The Western dudes are critically endangered as well. Especially ones in zoos, apparently.

As my name suggests to some degree, I find this inquiry highly important. BRING US DOG MEMES.

I lived in a city where a line of lights were timed to turn red/green one after the other seemingly based on the posted speed limit (so if you went through a yellow, you would run through every light at yellow unless you bolted). Since I drove the road at least every day I got off of work for two years, I knew what

“Toucher and Rich”

So it seems the absurdity of radio is still around

When I was at OU I only went to one football game where the Marching 110 did a rendition of Gangnam Style. For the amount of alcohol available in that town I’m amazed at how much I can remember of my tenure

Go Robertcats!

It’s just “Family Guy”

No, you shouldn’t change it though