God damn, it took Max Read like five minutes to completely fuck up.
God damn, it took Max Read like five minutes to completely fuck up.
Yeah—it means symptomatic of, or symbolic/representative of. So, the opposite of "causing" or "responsible for."
I sympathize with this. I think the best advice I could give, having been a similar position and now being somewhat wiser about it (I mean than I was—not necessarily than you are)—would be to just read. Not, like, "ugh, read a fuckin book, why doncha," I mean use the peanut gallery to observe and take note. The…
Really? It does? Do you know what the word "indicative" means?
Since "race" is not actually a real thing, something can be racist without the target group "really" being a race, and this is in fact how racial identities often come into existence.
Islam has been racialized in the US since 9/11. But you know this.
It's the sole reason I called an ambulance! (wee, 000, wee, ooo, wee, ooo, wee, ooo)
X gon give it to ya
Nor is this rooted in criticism of Dunham for working with Vogue. Entertainment is a business, after all, and Vogue brings a level of exposure that exceeds that of HBO.
"The title princess of this game was named after Fitzgerald's wife" = "This game has a title princess named after Fitzgerald's wife." It's not ambiguous.