
God damn, it took Max Read like five minutes to completely fuck up.

Yeah—it means symptomatic of, or symbolic/representative of. So, the opposite of "causing" or "responsible for."

I sympathize with this. I think the best advice I could give, having been a similar position and now being somewhat wiser about it (I mean than I was—not necessarily than you are)—would be to just read. Not, like, "ugh, read a fuckin book, why doncha," I mean use the peanut gallery to observe and take note. The

Really? It does? Do you know what the word "indicative" means?

Since "race" is not actually a real thing, something can be racist without the target group "really" being a race, and this is in fact how racial identities often come into existence.

Islam has been racialized in the US since 9/11. But you know this.

It's the sole reason I called an ambulance! (wee, 000, wee, ooo, wee, ooo, wee, ooo)

X gon give it to ya

Nor is this rooted in criticism of Dunham for working with Vogue. Entertainment is a business, after all, and Vogue brings a level of exposure that exceeds that of HBO.

"The title princess of this game was named after Fitzgerald's wife" = "This game has a title princess named after Fitzgerald's wife." It's not ambiguous.