
I have an amazing, eclectic taste in music, but whatevs. Harry Chapin will always be the cut-rate Gordon Lightfoot and Jim Croce to me.

That rave scene Was the show for me. I wanted to be there, and "Lost in Music" just made it that much more wonderful. Nerd tangent, but I wish that "trapping a moment in time" device from that filler episode of Angel really existed, because that's what I'd have used it for.

You're Audi 5000, my friend.

I never got the hate either. Compared to Connor Angel, Dawn was a breeze.

Lol, Chapin's best material is barely comparable with Kathleen Hanna's worst material.

I would, for sure.

Was that Graham McTavish as the Saint of Killers?! If it was, that guy is on a roll. One of the few bright spots of the Hobbit films, absolutely phenomenal in Outlander. Great casting!

I was actually quite surprised who the Blacksmith was, usually I'm keen to that stuff.

Pretty sure it isn't, that's where I watched it as well. This helps a lot:

"…The Six Very Nearly Dead Guys with a Temporary Reprieve! That's your name!"

Seriously, most of my friends and acquaintances with only a casual love of anything obscure consider it a top 5 album, and I just can't see the allure.

It's weird, I did genuinely like REM in my youth, and like Springsteen (who's first two albums are criminally underrated), I think I heard the hits so many times that I began associating those with their entire output. Time has proven me wrong a whole bunch, so I imagine there'll be a day I enjoy REM.

Whoa, I don't hear the similarities at all. Especially since I consider "Slanted & Enchanted" one of my top all-time records, I never ever think The Fall, Guided by Voices maybe.

I have 3 big ones that I always immediately think of: R.E.M., The Fall, and Neutral Milk Hotel. I have tried, and failed, many times. I love 80s jangle pop, enjoy myself all sorts of post-punk, and am a massive fan of Mangum's other bands. I wish I could put my finger on what it is that just doesn't hit me.

Honestly, I'm not a huge Lorde fan by any measure, but that collab might be my favorite Disclosure track.

This fellow is a big bag of shit.

That A side is stuffed with eventual classics. "Levitation" and "Sparks" are crazy good.

Two of Todd Rundgren's best tracks, "International Feel" and "Le Feel Internacionale" off of 'Wizard A True Star.'

For some reason, I laugh or smile almost all the way through "Gentleman Broncos." Sam Rockwell and Jemaine Clement own that movie. "Trigainus, everytime."

"This is my hat now. Totally my hat."