
To me, my skills as mom were way more important that any career I had. The time spent with those kids cannot be replaced or equated with a career/job/whatever. Nothing compares to the time you spend with your kids.

Meanwhile, New York magazine puts itself for the shadiest fucking magazine in the United States of America with this recent title:

Yeah gee I wonder what happened in the “60's” that caused a mass exodus of white southerners to leave the Democratic party. It starts with a “d” and ends with an “gation”. Can’t quite place it though. It will come to me though, soon I hope.

The problem is the middle ground has all but evaporated. I’m slightly left of centre politically UK-wise (which in the US would be quite Left most likely) and it seems more and more I’m alone just screaming at all the BS people on both sides come up with. The Right just continue their race to the bottom by pandering

Well it’s been both. Many Rich, White, Males (who funnily enough are Democrats or Republican opponents to Trump) have been the subject of hate campaigns while they sell Trump and his Rich, White, Male supporters as the people to elevate the working man.

Abraham Lincoln was a republican. People forget that.

Yeah but OJ isn't up for parole until 2017.

I dunno. I make a good pad Thai. I'd be ok with people mentioning that in my obit. It's nice to be well rounded.

I LOVE Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet!

You do realize that his father was describing the loss of appetite that commonly accompanies post traumatic stress disorder, correct?

I have always been suspicious of dudes who loudly talk about castrating rapists and protecting women and that shit.

Absolute stupidity.

You would rather have any mentioning of her family erased and the obit solely focused on her career as if she had no family and no family life?

What's moral consistency? If your on my side your alright!

This is the world the Internet outrage machine made but since Melissa click is on their side we should take it easy on her, mind you she was basically inciting violence.

What indicates that he was racist? Wouldn't be surprised by a old white man being racist, but where do you see it?

I love this man and I support his work

I have a real life acquaintance who has basically done this to herself. Circular boobs are very unattractive (imo) as they are so OBVIOUSLY fake.

If she was black she'd already have tenure and an endowment.

To be fair, sending anyone hardened to jail in VT is a losing proposition. If they stayed there, they’d find it way too touchy feely. They wouldn’t be able to establish a power foothold, lol