
Correct. It bears noting that the journalist she physically assaulted was an Asian Student, Tim Tai. If this were a male professor assaulting a female student, everyone on this site would be throwing the kitchen sink, refrigerator and microwave at him. Moral consistency is important here.

Yes, she is trash. She was a professor who physically assaulted an Asian student journalist who was no threat to anyone. She should be able to work again, sure, but not around college students.

No, you don’t. Which begs the question- why isn’t there any critique about the way illegals are treated in Mexico? One of the reasons so many of these Hondurans and Salvadorans are coming to the US to flee violence is that the Mexican government will toss them out without a thought.

Correct! San Pedro Sula Honduras is a place so horrible and gang ridden that it begs the imagination. Women and children fleeing from this rapehole should be counseled and settled in this country as refugees. And, I’m not particularly left wing.

Now playing

Moral of the story- better to pick your battles.

Love this article and video about the Lyft driver with the hula girl doll.

Where on Earth did you extrapolate “black people can’t be rehabilitated” from what I said? Norway has 4 million people, a very cohesive and homogenous culture, and almost zero violent crime. The US has 330 million people, a very fractured and distant culture, and criminal gangs ranging from the Italian and Russian

I know- and I agree with you.

We have a much different country than Norway- demographically, historically, etc. We have a more violent country, more gangs, an enormous base of poor people, etc. Not so easy.

Actually, even with all the rhetoric coming from the nativist right, the fact that we allow undocumented immigrants to work and live here makes our immigration system, with all its flaws, worlds better than that of Japan, Mexico, France, England, and a hundred other countries.

Congratulations on having a handle that is simultaneously obvious, inevitable, yet still un-ironic.

Non violent drug offenders aside- this article exemplifies perfectly why the concept of “prison reform” is easier in theory than in practice.

I never knew “Lil Wayne” had started.

That would make sense, but how do you explain the case of Saudi Arabia, where the ruling class (global oligarchs in every sense of the word) actively condones the Wahhabi branch of Islam, which is just a degree better than the Islam practiced by ISIS.

I lived in Charleston for a year and I’ve got to say- WV is a flat out beautiful state. But yeah, down on the Mingo road, it feels like you’ve entered a different dimension.

I was there recently and the number of ghost towns was shocking. Entire towns from the 50's without a soul remaining. Creepy.

Yeah, I never thought I’d live to see the day when the words “dangerous” and “suburb” were used in the same sentence. Things really have changed from the 80's.

Correct. Many people don’t realize that one of the biggest country music scenes is from Bakersfield- Okie influence.

Go to McDowell Country West Virginia, spend an afternoon in some of the hollers south of Welch, and you will never, ever have that debate again.

Yeah, Stockton is crazy dangerous- gangs of every color, including white supremacists, Vietnamese, etc. And one wonders, why. It’s a town surrounded by beautiful green fruit fields, an hour’s drive from snow capped peaks.