Steven Pete (stay off my lawn)

Had a very elderly relative pass away a few weeks ago. I volunteered to sell her car. The family doesn’t care what it sells for, they just want it gone, like the rest of her stuff. Me, I’m seeing dollar signs. 201o Chevy Malibu LT, only 19k miles, well maintained, garage kept, original owner. Only thing it needs is a

Regardless of party, I vote based issues, decency and character. I’m not a fan of either Trump or Biden. I doubt either will last the next four years if in office, due to mental and/or physical health. So for me it comes down now to Pence or Harris. Still not pleased with our choices, but Harris is our best hope.

Girlfriend and I were in our teens, usually used my car for fun. There was an event, a wake for her deceased grandfather. While alone in the living room, on the couch, she needed consoling, and she started making out. She wanted me to manually stimulate her down her pants from behind. Sure, i can do that, I’m a

I want my Zagnuts. 

Love this gal. Great singer, writer, performer

Add chopped Marcona Almonds

I couldn’t find guanciale anywhere so of course I used pancetta. This past week my favorite meat/cheese stand opened back up at our local farmer’s market. I chatted with the owner, and she’s going to order the guanciale for me. She’s a former chef and agrees that I’ve got to try it with the cheek meat next. Looking

Now playing

I really get into grinding my own peppercorns, things like that, and I was a former cheese monger, so I do love a good cheese sauce. Making his Cacio e pepe was a blast. My wife enjoyed prepping the Pecorino on the grater, though she did go a bit overboard! It was a very thick sauce. Ever since finding his site I’ve

Last fall I sold my 03 Tacoma SR5, 2WD, 5spd to a guy who bought it sight unseen. He drove over 400 miles round trip to grab it. I did send him a full set of pictures top, bottom, inside and out. I had non-stop calls from people interested in it, had only 72k miles, ran great. BUT, total rust bucket for a frame. Sold

He has totally changed the way I make any pasta dish. No more finishing the pasta in a big pot, now I transfer it into my skillet and use the starch water to make my sauces, and finishing the pasta in the skillet as well. We’ve been doing one of his pasta dishes at least twice a week. Amazingly simple and so delicious!

Now playing

During these weeks of stay and cook at home, I’ve gone crazy on this wonderful cooking site I discovered, Not Another Cooking Show. The Pasta alla Gricia he claims may be the most underrated of all the classic Roman pastas”. I’ve made this twice in two weeks and it’s our new favorite pasta. I’ve also made four of his

Hell I’m still dying on Oregon Trail. 


Now playing

You should get Dr. Hannah to review this camper.

The person I share it with.

Can I substitute frozen water?

When someone’s out of work, tipping for a pick-up/delivery order is a problem and hopefully they can offer some sort of tip. It’s tough both ways. For someone like myself, luckily I’m still able to tip accordingly. My spouse and I have many favorite restaurants and bars we frequent. Those that are still open, doing

My problem, and it’s been this way for years, it I either forget to bring the list along, or I forget I have a list in my pocket.

There’s an idea for you Toni. Do a replica of Tracy’s rust collection in his back yard.