
I was hoping that Jacob's Ladderesque image at the top was a spooky game I could play.

Indeed, very odd that the Irish have a thing about luck ;)

...but then I took a wolf spider and her spiderlings in the knee.

Not a lot of cheese in the Asian foods...

I think this is how I'd want to use it as well, if at all. Wouldn't be foolproof, but maybe minimize some "risk"

Beyond the impressive visuals, the movie was a joke, especially the lead Marine character.

But WoW players aren't considered productive in the first place.

Seriously I get a little hungry when I see those cheese wheels. And the pies always look like a pizza at first. Mmm.

Now playing

The arrow to the knee 'toon should have been in the top five...

Ha. You managed to refresh the meme for a moment, just for me.

I'm fairly certain the "working fireplace" is one of the TV screens.

Agree with both points. Although, Silent Hill would be a good candidate for 3D if 3D was up to snuff, but I haven't seen any 3D movie yet in the last few years that was impressive, from purely the technological standpoint.

As much as I enjoyed them and as many hours as I may have put into them, I don't get a whole lot of nostalgia for old games, so I'd be down with playing new titles with my kid (if I had one).

The Sager laptop ("desktop replacement") I had several years ago was great, as was customer support. And from what I understood at the time, Clevo is basically the same manufacturer for Alienware laptops, so Sagers are pretty much the same but without the extraneous, flashy case material and subsequent price tag.

Although I haven't had one for a while now, I can vouch for the Sager laptops being reliable powerhouses for a good value AND great customer support. When I got mine, Far Cry had just been released and it played that game swimmingly on high video settings. It also withstood my clumsy drops to the floor (carpeted

And because the band is stretch to fit multiple phones, how are they going to know where to put that extra hole?

I only got around to seeing this movie last summer and have to admit I couldn't get into it. I guess it's not the kind of movie you watch the first time in your thirties to be able to appreciate.

Very true.

Can't wait to build some condos out thar.

Definitely cool enough comment to warrant a hear here as well. Thanks for the morning chuckle.