
That does sound cool and if there are random events like that as non-bugs, that's fantastic and makes me look forward to getting the game even more.

Kudos for reminding me of Daggerfall — loved playing it, even with some glitches and crashes. Although I tend to be behind in getting new games, ie, they're not "new" by the time I get to them, so I get the benefit of the major patching having already taken place. I kinda don't want to wait for Skyrim though! Just

I don't see any problem with including a photo of the victim while he was still alive. Now, you can argue that showing a photo of his corpse would be in extremely bad taste, especially concerning the family. But that's not the case here, and sorry folks, for those of us who are adults, we can look at a photo of a

*hate* those sandwiches! Bring back the crappy trays with a serving of rubbery meat, a dry roll and frozen square of butter!

I used to have the Mork action figure with the egg-ship toy. Hadn't thought about that for years, until this article just joggled it loose from my memory!

An updated, personalized tattoo based on this is a great idea.

I will say their "warm white" version is not bad for an incandescent replacement. The bluish "daylight white" is just too... Paranormal Activity

Are heat cooling fins really necessary for LED? Fer cryin' out loud...

I share your sentiments — can't wait to see what they release next!

I will join the ranks of folks who have never heard of this...character... either.

One of my questions too. And roots, especially tree roots, tend to be strong enough over time to break up concrete and damage plumbing.

I've always had some issues with recall, which, aside from occasionally forgetting a more appropriate word from my vocabulary, has led me to lose some arguments simply because I couldn't remember a crucial detail that would have otherwise proved me right. Hmph.

The implication from the article is that when we eat octopi arms, we're kinda eating their brains. Braaaaaaiiiinnns....

Which makes them all the more relatable and awesome to me. Even though I said earlier I wish I had one as a pet, I wouldn't want to lock one up.

It should more appropriately have been said as, "it's more than you think."

Great article. Now I wish I had a pet octopus and find a time to gather stones together.

I definitely appreciate Meyer's candidness, but on the other hand, I want to go kick him in the crotch for all these crappy movies, except it would do no good, because it's clear he has no balls.

Now playing

Now they just need to add a body to accomplish some hambone kneeslap!

I join the many others in this thread who still find the netbook pretty useful and don't feel the need to jump on the tablet trend. My wife and I like having the real keyboard and a mouse when using our Asus netbook in the living room.

What's the from? I think I want to see it.