
So what's Jon Stewart gonna say about this...


Go ahead and pet him anyway.

I love that clip.

I support this meme.

He/she doesn't eat meat hard, he/she eats meat smart

Hmm, that same process doesn't make my po' boy deli sandwich any worse for wear.

Maybe your BF was debating on how to come clean about something?

Perfectly creepy scene.

@nata: Great comment!

Sounds like a sinister tag line for a SyFy Channel horror movie of the week. "Crocadogapus — With Each Jump He Gets Hungrier"

I've thought of that too, but there's a surprising amount of indifference about those "little things."

You don't know how to enjoy yourself, do you?

"He was sitting really close to her and talking into her ear, shortly after she said something to the effect of, 'lean closer for my tape recorder — I'm gonna need this recording for our future meltdown obsessively documented by TMZ.'"

Sounds like a wild and zany episode of MASH. Sign me up.

This is one "slot machine" even Vegas won't touch.

After unearthing or reconstructing these monuments, they might read a bunch of extraterrestrial stuff into them similarly to the way a lot of folks do with the pyramids of Giza.