
All wrong. It's Liquadrodynamic-shamalamadingdong.

Horrific. They say it takes a village to raise a child. How did this village of monsters come to be...

"leisure activity can, in moderation, improve productivity. " Yea — this works for me. Frequent "micro-breaks" save me from burn out.

Andy Dick, however, waits patiently by the phone anticipating your harassment. Good times.

At her age I would have done this gig for free.

Basically my comment was lamenting what looks to be yet another example of Hollywood's need to dumb down a perfectly good story to what they believe will make it most marketable, and unfortunately, most predictable. And honestly, I don't know much about the story from which the movie was "loosely" inspired by, but

I'd certainly like you to follow up.

exactly.. was going to say that too

"We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it." — Kang

"it's a hard story to crack but maybe we could make it that fate is trying to stand in between the lead in the film and a woman?"

Ha. Good points on both.

Indeed...anytime a news item comes up about those pageants I find it repulsive and baffling that the parents objectify their children like that. Back to parenting class.


Was that the show that always ended with the main character taking his clothes off and swimming off into the ocean?

Agreed. And take a look at most of those apps — red flags in just the titles.

My Aunt Ester's gas was awfully ripe. *shudder*

So I'm not the only one. Seems every time I go snorkeling there's always one tiny fish with a grudge. I'm like, do I know you? And this smaller than my fist fish will follow me and nip at me if given the chance. WTF?

Uh, winning!

He was blinded by the light, revved up like a douche, another runner in the night

I agree. At least the concept of the movie is intriguing, so sign me up.