
Yeah... I clicked on this one because I was curious as to where it was headed, but I see now that destination is nowhere. I'm guessing it's another throwaway study to get research $$.

Another trick Costco and some other stores employ is to make sure you don't have the option of a small hand basket — you only have a huge cart which they hope your mind will feel impelled to fill with their wares.

Personally, I think it looks more like a tribute to a police state than a pop culture monument from a so-so 80s movie.

Why does it look painted?

Reminds me of the Sedlec Ossuary in the Czech Replubic

In the past, through clumsiness, I habitually killed my phone with water damage. Usually I had the wasteful insurance and just handled the replacement that way. The last time this happened it was on a phone that I had decided not to buy insurance for, instead counting on the warranty if necessary and just being more

Say what you want about Zelda, but you could always count on her to look up to you.

I seek out movies that can scare me I like I was 13 (or 8) again just the littlest bit. None have really accomplished that in much of a significant way for a long time, but 1408 and The Orphanage definitely stood out most recently for having some genuinely spooky moments.

It boils down to us needing to become toxin-resistant super mutants, too. I guess you could say that since human beings purposely ingest toxins all the time, we're already working on it?

You might as well get a check from SyFy for that, because it's not exactly a ridiculous concept in their world.

I will compare this movie to Poltergeist only if it can make me fear what lurks in my closet at night again *cough* still.

While not all editors employ some humorous hyperbole in their headline, pretty much all gawker sites do this. Although it can come across as bait and switch when a less-talented editor does it, I actually think io9 consistently does it the best. I rarely feel like I took it hook, line and sinker.

manipulation... isn't that what always comes across from Oprah's show?

Seriously, NASA, what have you done for me lately?

Internet = empowerment.

He does have that kinda grin on his face...

I'm with you. I never considered Duke Nukem cutting edge in term of graphics. The gameplay was there, but it was really the personality of Duke and the overall character of the game that kept it from starting to become a tedious, very average shooter halfway through.

"Don't just look at the shoulder pads, feel the shoulder pads"

Bleh, sounds like it takes the personality out of the game. It's almost like, oh I dunno, the Gawker Media website redesign :)

See, this chart doesn't offer enough options to meet the complexity of my nature. I don't agree with all the choices, but down the dark path I go...Sith Apprentice it is I guess.